Option to Import directly from Partial Incomplete - or - the ability to push back to Pending
Many parents don't include all the necessary documents to complete the enrollment process (such as BC, shot record, POR etc). These enrollments will often sit in Pending Import for long period of time while the schools call/email parents re: what is missing.
These incomplete enrollments create much clutter and confusion in the Pending Enrollment list, especially with larger schools/high volumes of enrollments.
In order to clean up their Pending imports list, many schools will set them as partial incomplete but the enrollment gets stuck there because the parents have trouble or forget how to log-in back into their account/password reset issues/aren't tech savvy with uploading documents, etc. to re-complete the enrollment process.
Often times they will just bring the missing documents directly to the school in person without using the online enrollment system. When that happens, can we have an option for school site personnel to import the student directly from Partial incomplete - or - the ability to "push" enrollments set as partial incomplete back to Pending for importing themselves (without having to go through IT on the back-end)?