UC/CSU Eligibility Report- Grade Waiver "X" Not Calculating Correctly
It appears that in using the "X" grade on a transcript for validation purposes to meet A-G i.e. test out for world language where a student demonstrated proficiency of a world language by testing out. The UC/CSU eligibility report will not calculate this validation. It looks like the validation in the UC/CUS eligibility report is tied to credits earned. For instance, in the provided example (attachment) because credits are 0, it is still showing as student needing 20 credits of world langauge. Note, that all 4 courses with 0 credits are programmed correctly as an A-G and with the appropriate validations. Lastly, in this scenario we need to use the "X" grades and zero out the attempted credits in Worl Language and move the requirement to electives, as student still needs to complete 220 total credits.
Looks like some programming is needed that will accept "X" grades as credits when calculating it in the UC/CSU Eligibility report.