Create Shared Gradebooks functionality
MST.TN is the Teacher of Record.
MST.TN2 and MST.TN3, co-teaching fields, should have the MST.TN gradebooks auto-populate in their Teacher Portal accounts mirroring the Teacher of Record setup.
Create a parent/child relationship within shared gradebooks : mirror linked or unlinked gradebooks as the Teacher of Record.
This would mean the Teacher of Record would have to approve all gradebook changes - this would prevent gradebooks from disappearing.
Additionally adding a gradebook option where the Teacher of Record (parent gradebook) would allow a TN2 and/or TN3 co-teacher (child gradebooks) RUID access to make change in the gradebook without the Teacher of Record's consent. This feature would be helpful for high school which split of class periods of an absent teacher among multiple long term subs.