iReady Performance Level ranking needs to be flipped
The performance levels that are pulled from iReady use descriptions and not numbers and when they are imported to Aeries, the test scores page shows numbers and I am assuming they are assigned by Aeries?
So it seems level 1 is the highest and level 5 is the lowest. Can this be flipped around please? SBAC and ELPAC use level 1 as the lowest and level 5 as the highest and it was really confusing at first. It would be so much helpful if this can be consistent with the State Test score levels.
p.s. I had submitted ticket #288638 for this previously. I had uploaded our district's test score files t the ticket.

Adminana solis (Admin, Aeries Software) commented
Please add the ability to customize the Performance Level color and description to local bands for iReady? I have iReady tests appearing on the Student Profile and Test Details screen. This is displaying wrong information to the parents and staff because the performance band descriptions and colors are not aligned with our local bands for iReady OR add the ability to EXCLUDE iReady data from displaying in these pages.