Mass Change Period Absences by List of Students
When using the Mass Change Period Absences by List of Students it would be so useful if there was an All Day box we could check that would enter the 2nd/3rd ADA period code into the All Day box automatically. Right now I use this page to enter all the period codes and a note but I then have to go back and individually enter the code into the All Day box because it doesn't upload automatically. This is the only page that allows us to see if a code is already entered for students so that we don't override a code that already exists. The Attendance Management Mass Add has an all day box but we can't see if codes are already entered and anything we put in will override existing codes.

This was completed on the 4/15/2021 version.
Here is the revision note:
Mass Change Period Absences – This page now supports Primary and Secondary ADA Times as defined on the School Options and Calendar pages. These times are available for schools utilizing Attendance Time for All Day Attendance Management on School Options. When attendance is taken for students in a period that meets during the Primary ADA time, the All-Day Code will be updated automatically. Also, when a Secondary ADA Time is defined, students who do not have a class during the Primary ADA Time on a day will have their All-Day Code updated when attendance is taken during their class that meets during the Secondary ADA Time. Using a tardy code in a period during the ADA Time will clear an All-Day absence.