Standard Based Grades Input by Teacher - Add a filter teacher option
As of now, pre-teachers who have multiple classes assigned to them have no class filtering capabilities when entering grades. The pre-teachers drop-down list in the 'View by Student' list is never-ending and hard to navigate. Also, when they select 'View by Standard' they see all students for that grade level standard.
Given that many of our 'prep-teachers' serve multiple classes/grades it would be ideal for them to have the option to either select by teacher or class. Similar to what Aeries admins are able to do when viewing 'Standard Based Grades by Teacher'.
By being able to select a teacher/class the prep-teachers can focus on a particular class instead of having the whole grad level listed. This is especially true when inserting comments, as current Aeries functionality forces them to select a student from the 'View by Student' screen and from the never-ending student dropdown list.