Online Enrollment Import Page - Add a Comment Box to Enrollment List
It would be great if a comment box could be added next to each enrollment record on the Online Enrollment list of pending enrollments to import. Frequently, we have parents who enroll in Kinder who are not age-eligible. It would be great if a comment could be added to make sure to alert the staff using the import page to verify correct grade prior to import.

Shannon Beltrami commented
Would love if this comment could be available to the parents when returning incomplete registrations.
Karen Miley-Griffis commented
We would love for this to happen. We have open enrollments that we would like to add a note to.
Cecil Wright commented
We are requesting to add a "comments/Notes" section on the Pending Imports Page. The enrollment & Placement Center would like to have the school clerks enter notes as to why a pending import has not yet been processed. We would like for them to enter if is because the student is missing immunizations, BC, or Parent ID. Etc.
Sharon Huerta commented
Or the comment field could be used to indicate if something is missing from the enrollment and/or a notation if the parent has been called or emailed re: missing items
Jamie Fazio commented
Yes!! We would love the ability to make small notes next to the records, or/and even be able to indicate if they have been reviewed/verified etc.