Allow teachers to make actual comments on grades instead of the limited choices
Many times the 3 options allowed does not even begin to describe what I really want to convey to parents or what really should be on the report card.
Create a new option called Manual and when chosen allows a teacher to enter a freeform textbox up to 1000 characters to enter whatever they want. Disk space is cheap. To put it in perspective:
If every teacher in the district, writes a comment for every student for every grading period (6 teachers x 11500 Students x 8 grading periods x 1000 characters ) this would equate to 552 Megabyts or about 1/2 a gigabytes.. I have 64Gb on my phone..
If this extra information was done for everysingle student in California, it would take a wopping 295 Gigabytes. fyi. you can buy a 3Tb (3000 Gigabytes) hard drive for $60 on amazon.