CALPADS - Extract Only School-Level Staff for SDEM/SASS for Charter Schools
Our charter schools are part of our primary Aeries database for various operational reasons, and our district is responsible for reporting their data to CALPADS. However, they have to be reported separately to CALPADS for special education reasons, so we have to run separate extracts for them.
Currently, when a user extracts SDEM and SASS files for any set of schools, district office records are included, under the assumption that the district-level records will be relevant. However, when uploading for a charter school, the district-level records aren't relevant, and the files are rejected by CALPADS. As a workaround, every time we extract SDEM/SASS files for our charter schools, we open the files and delete the lines associated with the district office or schools that should not be reported, and then upload.
It would be great if there was a way that we could flag independently reporting charter schools in LOC, and that the CALPADS SDEM/SASS extracts would know to ignore district-level staff records or staff records for schools not needing to be reported when creating those extracts if one such school is the only one selected for extraction.

IMPORTANT: The SDEM/SASS files that are erroring out in CALPADS are erroring out because when the "Independent Charter School" option is chosen it pulls the School (cds) code as the County/District codes as well since that is how they are listed as separate LEA's. When a staff member has the "District School" as their primary school, it is pulling 0000000 as the County/District code in both the SDEM and SASS files and this causes the error. As a workaround, you can copy and paste the "school" cds code into the 0000000 in the first set of zeros on the SASS file and the only set of 0000000 on the SDEM file and this will let the file pass all of the records.