Demographics and Contacts - Phone Number Labels
Phone numbers: Remove all references to "home", "mobile", or "cellular" phone number. These words are not needed anymore.

Hello! Thank you for this idea. We are making plans to include it in the Aeries NextGen system. Stay tuned!
lvannostrand commented
I find many duplicate cell/mobile numbers in the "Telephone" field for CONTACTS.
Would you consider changing the field label to "Landline?" And/Or have validation for phone fields to only have a number occur once in any of the phone fields for each contact?
Susan Martin commented
Yes, instead make the labels generic, with a numbering scheme, Phone 1, phone 2, phone 3. Phone 1 is the primary number the contact wants to reached on first, etc.
Amy Yamashiro commented
Phone number with a dropdown box to indicate type of phone would be even better - we have an issue with people entering their cell phone number three times! But we use communications, so still need to have something that identifies cell phone numbers for texting.