District Attendance Letters-Letter Editor Enhancements
Letter Editor
Can the text edit section be made larger or allowed to expand? Tt's quite difficult to edit a letter in such a small text box.
Unable to change the name of the letter SET after it's saved in Editor? Currently, the only way I can find is to delete the letter and re-add it.
Text editing is so limited. The font type is not the same for top and bottom text. Nowhere to choose another font either unless messing around with the HTML?
The letter date that is populated from Aeries - the font type and size does not match letter font and size. Also, the date does not align to match the left margin of letter text. This looks unprofessional when the letter is printed out.
Would be nice to have the option where to place the attendance totals in the letter (ie center of letter) instead of them only printing at the end of the page.
A page break option would be great so we can mark where to push the letter to the next page.
Judy Johnston commented
I would also add the ability to choose which items to include on the printed letter. We do not use window envelopes. Allow exclusion of Return address, mailing address. These features force the letter to a 2nd page when it is not needed.
Also line things up with the letter on the left. It looks really bad when you look at the letter that is sent.
ahernandez commented
I would add that one of the fonts used in the document, CourierNew/TrueType is a non-standard unembedded font. This causes issues when mailing letters via ParentSquare.