Ability to link Specific Aeries Academy Links to a New User's - Prompted to complete upon first log in
I was wondering if the amazing programmers at Aeries would be able to add hyperlinks to online self-paced trainings relevant to specific tasks in Aeries that can then be linked to an user account. When the new user logs into Aeries, they would be prompted to proceed with all the trainings linked to their user account. They would not be permited to proceed and utilize Aeries; no "skip" option. The user must complete the self paced training(s) that are linked to their Aeires user account. HR would be able to see the expected time needed for a user to complete all the linked trainings to a users account. HR could then schedule the user a paid training time to complete these BEFORE the user begins their new position at the site. Once the person has completed their linked trainings, HR would be notified that the user is "Aeries Cleared" for the position they are being placed in. For example, for a "READONLY" account for a new Receptionist would be set up by the DSC (me) when I create the user account. I would notify HR the account has been set up. HR would notify the employee and direct them to log into their Aeries account to complete the required online, self-paced trainings linked that that user's Aeries account. The user would be provided with the estimated time they have to complete the paid training. As a Receptionist with a Read only user account, it could be as short as 15-minutes. However, for an enrollment tech who will be adding/editing many data fields while performing their job, they will likely have 4-8 hours of training links to complete and HR would need to schedule a time for the person to come into the DSC to complete the trainings (or allow them to complete them at home) before the user shows up to the site to begin their job. The end of the training would also provide links for the the user to reference that would include the Aeries Demo link and a link to the Aeries User Knowledge Base. They would be told to save these links and bookmark them and use them for support tools as they begin their position and possibly will need additional online tool support. In my position at MVUSD, I receive multiple calls and/or emails from Aeries Users in the district and I also analzye CALPADS errors. I have found that many data discrepancies could be avoided if the user had basic training and also knew where to find the Aeries online support tools.