Add a way to label Students as EL, SWD, SED, etc on the seating chart
Please add a way for teachers to label student demographics such as EL, SWD, SED, etc on the seating chart and then be able to share that with the administration.

tl commented
I was in my districts first training for a handful of us willing to pilot aeries.
This was my first question about aeries.How do I tag students RSP or ELL?
And they looked at me like I was crazy.
I NEED THIS.(looking at comments)
If information like RSP, ELL SED is problematic, then how about letting us add icons/emojis?
I can put a star or moon, or something and define them myself. Heck, I can give EVERYONE an icon with 75% of them meaning nothing. Or numbers? 1 2 3 4 5?We can add little icons in the Gradebook names, why not a field where we can add an icon, or number?
Every time I print off seating charts I need to take a hilighter to it and mark each kid... hoping I don't ***** up and miss one.
Erik Greenwood commented
SED may be problematic potentially due to the codes below:
California Education Code section 49557.2
California Education Code section 49558
California Education Code section 49076