Consolidate multiple staff email addresses
I would like to see email addresses consolidated to the staff table and limited to just 2 or 3 addresses (Main email, alt. email, Google email). From there they should be linked to other tables via the Staff ID.
Currently there are about 4 places where an email address can be assigned to a staff member and none are linked so all can be different: Security, Staff record, Teacher record, and Google Email address (security record?). Systems that integrate with Aeries cannot pull the Google email via API and with 3 different locations for staff email addresses we regularly have to search through the different tables to find where the staff email was incorrectly entered.
I understand the need for vendors or non-employees to have an Aeries login or to have substitute teachers in the teacher tables that may not be "staff" but when the record is linked to a staff member, the email should be pulled from the Staff table and should not be editable in the other table.
The API configuration should be changed to allow each vendor configuration to be sent the address required for their needs from the staff table (Google integrated systems get the Google email, AD integrated systems get the Main email, etc.).

Susan commented
Jesse Geron commented
I would like to add to this to say, in the API endpoint for staff, the staff data should return staff data. It should not return information from UGN. EmailAddress should ONLY return STF.EM. Especially when the POST on staff EmailAddress updates STF.EM, not UGN.EM. It's very inconsistent and confusing behavior.
UGN.EM should be broken out into its own API endpoint for Security Users and Groups.
For more, my github issue rant: