quickly add staff to multiple sections
It would be really really great if there was some way to quickly add a staff member to multiple sections at a time, or to add multiple teachers in the SMS Builder.
Maybe on the staff page the MST section could function similar to how the classes page works for students?
Use case 1: our special ed department team teaches, so all of those teachers need to be listed on all of those sections.
Use case 2: for distance learning purposes, our middle school has been assigning moderators to sections based on open periods - many of which change with our quarterly enrichment schedules, so every quarter we need to do another round of switching out moderators, section by section.
Thank you for considering!

Michael Barrett commented
Yes! It is so easy to transfer student sections to another teacher using the "old" scheduling method. There needs to be a simple popup form/wizard in Staff to simply give an incoming teacher/LTS ALL of the outgoing teacher's sections instead of having to assign a new Staff member to each section individually in the Master Schedule.