Integrate Microsoft Team Assignments and Scores into Gradebook
We would like to be able to integrate Microsoft Teams Assignments and Scores into Aeries Gradebook.

Ali Johnson commented
You have it for Google Classroom, please provide it for Microsoft clients. About 5 years ago, you did have an option to link OneNote to Aeries gradebook, but Teams is the current updated assignment center for Microsoft.
Cjimenez commented
this is desperately needed by our school
Cjimenez commented
This would be very helpful
Susan Martin commented
Integrate the Aeries Gradebook with Teams Gradebook platform so the grades will automatically be entered into Aeries from teams.
Schools are looking for this as a major component of their LMS selections for the fall. I like using teams, but not having this integration is a point that is causing Teams to fall behind its competitors. I know OneNote can be used to connect to Aeries but many teachers solely want to use teams without the digital notebook. Please update this feature ASAP!