Online Enrollment - Require Document by School/Grade
Allow documents, in the document upload section of Aeries Online Enrollment, to be required based on site and grade selections. E.g., Allow a document to be 'required' only if the student being enrolled is in grades K - 3 or at specific sites. (Similar to the options available for the display of documents to parents during the enrollment/Parent Data Confirmation features).

azonligt commented
Even though we are under the same school district, each school has its own document requirements especially for school district mixed with charter school and regular seat-based schools.
huevang commented
This feature enhancement would help resolve displaying a long list of document requests to Parents. Also, the requests will only target the required audience
Nishaant Singh commented
Site specific documents for Data Confirmation/Online Enrollment would be great.
Julianne Yeaman commented
It would be great if we could specify a grade level and/or student group when setting up Parent Portal Document Upload requests.