IEP Accommodations on SPED Tab
At this time, the only place accommodations are given a spot is in 504s and the Testing Accommodations for IEPs. However, the accommodations that teachers need to be able to see also include those on the IEP at-a-glance. Being able to provide teachers with an at-a-glance set of information for students would be highly helpful. Teachers do not need to know the testing accommodations in the same way that the school would for state testing reasons. What teachers need to know are the accommodations that the students have in their IEP, which are the ones that will help them the most in learning.
Andrea Rose commented
Also, this is marked as "Already a feature", but it is not. Student Services is very different from classroom accommodations. Classroom accommodations is a much-needed page for teachers.
Andrea Rose commented
We built a classroom accommodations page for all programs (IEP, 504, ELL). However, the counselors hate it because they then have to enter them in twice, once on the 504 page and once on the classroom accommodations page. I think it would be helpful if all classroom accommodations were on a single page so that teachers knew where to go to view them instead of having to go to different pages for different programs.