Aeries Ideas
546 results found
CALPADS Work-Based Learning Extract (WBLR)
A new extract is being created to submit data related to student internships, student-led enterprises, and virtual/simulated work-based learning. This Work-Based Learning (WBLR) file will be submitted and certified as part of the CALPADS End-of-Year (EOY) 1 submission. Work-based learning provides additional opportunities for students to demonstrate their preparedness for college/career through the College/Career Indicator (CCI) on the California School Dashboard.
11 votesHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 11/06/20 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
CALPADS Extracts
The new Work-Based Learning (WBLR) extract was added. The extract information is pulled from the recently updated Internships (ISP) table. The extract is located on the EOY tab. Refer to the documentation for more detailed information. See CALPADS Extract – EOY – Work-Based Learning (WBLR) and Internships. -
Online Enrollment - Allow User to Change Status
Allow the users to change the status in Online Enrollment, specifically from Partial (Incomplete) to Pending Import, OR allow the option to import Partial (Incomplete).
99 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 8/27/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Student Data > Demographics > Import
- The Set as Incomplete button was replaced with the Update Status button, providing more options for updating an enrollment status:
- A Pending Import record can be set to Partial (Incomplete) or Delete.
- A Partial (Incomplete) record can be set to Delete.
- A Deleted record can be set to Pending Import or Partial (Incomplete), allowing users to recover deleted records if needed.
- The ability to view the confirmation page for Deleted and Partial (Incomplete) enrollments is now supported. The View button is now available on the Aeries Student Import page. Selecting the View button opens the confirmation page to view student enrollment details from within Online Enrollment. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students.
Teacher Attendance - Allow Quick Attendance Notes
To help with Hybrid instructions, Allow Quick Attendance Notes on the Teacher Attendance page.
For students engaged in distance learning on a particular day, a teacher must track the means by which the student engaged that day. Attendance Notes is a possible way to track this information instead of the Gradebook. But Attendance Notes are not easily added for large groups of students. This feature would make it a simple process of checking the correct box(es) for students on how they engaged that day.
Here are some possible ideas:
- Add a new Portal Option to list ATN.CD code values (comma…
10 votesHello! This request was completed with the 8/28/2020 version of Aeries!
Classroom Attendance - Display Additional Student Data Fields
To help with Hybrid instruction, - Display Additional Student Data Fields on the Classroom Attendance page.
For A/B Groups of students, students will be flagged using a Student User Code field. This information can be displayed to teachers on the Teacher Attendance page, but if office staff have to take attendance for a teacher, the Classroom Attendance page also need to display this information for each student.8 votesHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 9/28/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
This page now displays the additional student fields configured on the Portal Options page. Also, the Stu ID, Grade, Track, Program, and these new student field columns can be sorted ascending or descending. Also, the section number is now displayed in the table header. Removed the ‘Include Inactive Teachers’ checkbox if the school is using section staff. -
Teacher Attendance - allow sorting by the Additional Stu field columns configured on Portal Options.
To help with Hybrid instruction, allow sorting by the Additional Stu field columns configured on Portal Options on the Teacher Attendance page.
When taking attendance for a class of students who are mixed between on campus and distance learning, this will help group these sets of students to make attendance taking easier for teachers.15 votesHello! This was completed with the 8/14/2020 version of Aeries.
Import Test Results - Add ACT 2020-21 File Layout
Add the ACT 2020-21 High School Student Record Layout to the Import Test Results page.
9 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 01/15/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes: ACT 2020-2021 Student Data Layout is now supported.
Custom Transcript Indicators
Create additional transcript indicators that can be used to tag courses based on custom criteria.
3 votesHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 07/31/20 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
The newly designed 1-column transcript style will now display custom transcript indicators. -
Import Test Results - Add Summative ELPAC 2019-20 File Layout
Add the file layout for the 2019-20 Summative ELPAC Student Data File Layout to the Import Test Results page.
23 votesHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 09/15/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
This page has been updated to allow importing the 2019-20 ELPAC Summative student test results. -
Student Immunization Status report always displays PK value for grade -1 in Select Grade dropdown
On the Student Immunization Status report page, the Select Grade dropdown always shows PK for grade -1. Please change the report to reflect what the school uses for grade -1 (for example, TK).
3 votesThis idea was completed with the 9/24/330 update to Aeries with the following revision note:
Immunization Card Report – Grade label adjusted to use grade level translations instead of numeric value (i.e. “PK” or “TK” instead of “-1”).
CALPADS-N470-NoShow records should populate day before enrollment date, NOT day before school starts
When I extract an SENR file - Extract all data this Year, students who have an SSID number AND are N470 extract in the file. When they are extracted Aeries changes their SWR/Leave date to one day prior to the first day of school according to the school calendar. However, when Aeries changes the enrollment date the SPED record no longer aligns with the enrollment date and it causes a problem every time.
I will resolve this on my end by removing the SSID number for the student. This will prevent the record from being extracted.
Surely, I'm not the…
25 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 9/28/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
CALPADS Extracts (SENR) - For California users, for No Show students, the Enrollment Update now extracts the date one day prior to the summer withdrawal date (STU.SWD) if that date is after the first day of school.
Flex SMS Board - Ability to select Primary Teacher when adding a section
Currently on the Flex Scheduling board, when creating a section there is no ability to select the primary teacher. The current process of creating the section and going to scheduling master to add the primary teacher creates an unnecessary and time-consuming extra step, especially for people who are accustomed to working directly on the board.
6 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 12/14/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Flex SMS Board
The section primary teacher can now be modified.
Unassigned sections are now displayed next to the unassigned teacher.
CSU/UC Eligibility Reports - Option to Hide SAT Statement
Add option on CSU and UC Eligibility reports to hide the SAT statement:
*** When applying to colleges, be sure to submit the original SAT scores since the scores on this report may be translated ***
Currently UCs and CSUs are not requiring official SAT reports.
5 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 06/03/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
CSU Eligibility – This report has been updated to meet CSU’s new requirements for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years. Also, the message on this report regarding pre-2016 SAT scores has been removed.
UC Eligibility – This report has been update to meet UC’s new requirements for A-G credit completion during spring and summer of 2021. Also, the message on this report regarding pre-2016 SAT scores has been removed.
College Entrance Requirements – This page has been updated to meet CSU’s new requirements for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years. Also, reports on this page have been consolidated into a single area. See College Requirements Form and Entrance Tests
Course Attendance - Need "Add" Button
Currently the only way to get a record into the Crs Attendance (CAR) is to add a section via the Classes page. While you can edit (and remove) entries from the Crs Attendance page, you cannot add them.
Being able to enter a section assignment with start/end dates would be very useful on the Crs Attendance page.
1 voteHello, the idea has been completed in the 07/31/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Users can now add records to the course attendance (CAR) table manually. -
Users (Security) - Add User Type Column to Display on Search
Please add another column - type (teacher, user, admin) to the users page along with the ability to sort or filter.
8 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 08/31/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Security – The User Type column has been added when searching or listing users on the Security pages. Also, when viewing lists of users, columns can now be sorted and filtered on. -
Repeat Grd tag (STU.RG) should not flag during rollover for pre-enrolled students
The Repeat Tag (STU.RG) field is flagged in the new year database during the rollover for all students if their STU.GR and STU.NG were the same in the current database. Can this be made optional and/or not flag pre-enrolled students?
4 votesThis issue has been resolved with the 5/14/2021 Aeries update. Here is the Revision Note for Changes to the Rollover Process:
Removed logic to update STU.RG (Repeat Grade) based on GR = NG.
SELA Conflict Report - Would Like Option to Include Inactives AND Skip Pre-Enrolled
In the SELA Conflict Report "Include Inactive Students" and "Pre-Enrolled" are considered the same type of tag in the results when running the report. The tag types are not the same. You would rarely want to run a report to include students who were Pre-Enrolled but never attended. You would likely want to include those who were with you but are now Inactive because you reported their data to CALPADS and want to audit the data.
7 votesThis idea was completed with the 11/20/2020 update to Aeries with the following revision note:
SELA Conflict Report – The report has been adjusted to handle Adult English Learner (ADEL) language fluency. Also, it now supports KEEP / SKIP, school selection (when logged at the district and not running the report from the CALPADS page), and the ability to skip Pre-School (PS) grade level.
CALPADS SPRG Reconciliation needs to create Delete records
Adjust the SPRG ODS Reconciliation process to create Delete records for programs that are in the CALPADS ODS but not in Aeries. Currently, the process only compares existing program records.
11 votesThis issue was resolved in the August 25th release.
Immunizations page Records Presented dropdown should allow custom code table values
Allow users the ability to add codes to the Code Table on Immunizations (IMM) in the Records Presented fields. Currently, these codes are hard coded. The fields affected include: IMM.RTP, IMM.RTK, IMM.RT7, etc. Currently these are fixed codes.
3 votesHello, this request has been completed in the 11/04/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
The Records Presented dropdown fields can now be customized by editing the IMM.RPT values on the Update Code Table page. -
Hearing - Convert P/F to Dropdown List
Please make the Hearing page a bit more dynamic for consistency in collecting data and ease of query.
I would like HRN.PF titled "P/F" to be renamed "Results".
I would like it to be a drop-down menu that we can edit beginning with the following menu.P Pass
F Fail
C Could Not Condition
R Referred
K Known Hearing Loss3 votesHello, this idea (or bug) has been completed in the 1/19/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- The P/F field was renamed to Results P/F and is intended to record Pass or Fail results. Existing reports or queries may rely on this field to be accurate so additional codes values are not recommended.
- The Results P/F, Dr Refer, Follow Up, IMP Code, and Waiver fields were converted to drop-down fields that are populated with codes entered in the COD table. For Texas users, the fields are also populated with fixed codes that correspond to state reporting codes.
Immunizations - Tdap 7th Grade Comment Box
In Aeries Immunization file --when you look from Tdap 7th all the way across to the far right--- all the other vaccines have a comment box to the right of the exemption and date columns. Can one be added for Tdap?
6 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 7/13/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- Immunizations
A Comment text area was added for 7th grade TDap.
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