Aeries Ideas
605 results found
Grades by Teacher Mass Add Values option
On Grades by Teacher page on Mass Add Values add an option to be able to mass add academic mark.
3 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 4/30/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
When Allow Teachers to Mass Fill GRD Marks is enabled on Portal Options, teachers can update the Grade Mark during the Mass Add Values process. After selecting Edit All Records then Mass Add Values, the pop-up window now includes the Grade Mark drop-down field. If there are multiple reporting periods open at the same time (rare case), the Which Mark drop-down field is displayed and defaults to the Current Marking Period. -
New Parent Portal - Have messages display at the top of the page for parents and students
New Parent Portal - Have messages display at the top of the page for parents and students. The message widget can be moved to the top by the logged in parent or student but we need a school or district option to set the widget locations for all parents and students.
3 votesThis item has passed testing and was shipped on 2/25/2021
Print button on Student transcript in the Parent/Student Portal
Students need to print transcripts from Aeries. The only way to print is to right click and print. Transcript looks crowded with repeating headers. Please add Print button and suppress headers from each row. Thank you.
17 votesHello, the idea has been completed in the 12/17/20 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
The Allow Parents/Students to Print option was added to allow parents and students to print specific transcript versions. This option requires that the Parent and Student Portal Groups have specific permission set to be able to Print Transcripts.
Special Program -- Tribal Foster Youth (code 193) State Highlighting needs to be adjusted
Special Program Tribal Foster Youth (code 193) is an Eligibility program but the Participation dates are highlighted. The State Reporting highlight needs to be changed to highlight the Eligible dates.
1 voteHello, this item has been completed in the 03/19/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Special Programs – For California users, the Tribal Foster Youth code (193) was highlighting participation dates instead of eligibility dates, fixed. -
Transcript Indicators not displaying after change
Transcript Indicators - Refresh display immediately upon saving an HIS record on the Transcripts page. Currently, the Transcript Indicators are not displaying after changing on the Transcript page.
1 voteHello, this issue has been resolved in the 02/01/22 update.
Post Secondary Status - Industry Field Code "OTH" needs to be added to the PSS.IFC field.
Post Secondary Status code "OTH" needs to be added to the Industry Field Code - PSS.IFC field. Work-around is to add the code to the Code Table.
1 voteHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 02/12/21 update. The code OTH – Other has been added to the Industry Field Code.
Honor Roll Report - Do not print excluded students on the report
Currently, if you have students on a Grad Track that is excluded from the Class Rank calculation, those students still print on the Honor Roll and Class Rank report, listed at the top with blanks in the Class Rank and Class Size columns. These students should be excluded from the report and not print at all.
1 voteHello, this idea has been completed in the 11/19/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Reports > Honor Roll And Class Rank Listing From Transcripts
- The Student ID is now printed.
- The report can now by run by class rank & student name.
- Students without a class rank can now be omitted from the report.
- See Grade Reporting - Print Honor Roll and Class Rank Listing
Load Grades From Gradebook needs to keep the focus on the Teacher
On the Grades by Teacher Page, when using the Load Grades from Gradebook feature, the page needs to stay on the selected teacher.
When the teacher name is entered in the Search box, the page will return to the first teacher in the list after importing grades.
The focus will stay on the selected teacher when clicking the mouse on the teacher name in the teacher list and not using the Search box.2 votesHello, the idea has been completed in the 04/15/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes: Grades By Teacher – Highlight the teacher after importing grades from gradebook, fixed.
Ability to Print Attendance Summary Report from District Level
Would like the ability to print the Attendance Summary Report by grade and by program from the District level. This is currently only available at the school level.
20 votesWe have released this feature with the 3/12/2020 update. The Summary of Students report can now be run from the district.
Add an option to allow the schools to turn off the What If feature in the app.
Add an option to allow the schools to turn off the What If feature in the app.
1 voteHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 4/2/21 update.
Here are the Revision Notes:-(Android) The view was updated to support the Aeries Portal option to disable the ‘What If’ feature.
-(iOS) The view was updated to support the Aeries Portal option to disable the ‘What If’ feature. -
Test Scores widget on the Profile Page - show all test parts for the same test
The profile screen currently shows the most recent tests. It appears to pull from the date field right now. If a student finishes different parts of their ELPAC tests on different days, it will not show all of their results on the profile screen even though the test was taken in the same month. I would like to request Aeries to pull from the test admin field instead of the date taken field.
2 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 07/15/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes: -
Update State Seal of Biliteracy Calculations for 2020-21
SB 820 recently amended EC Section 51451(d) to state, "…For pupils who are on track to graduate in 2021 and were unable to take the assessment identified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a), the Superintendent may waive the requirement to pass that assessment." As a result, the CAASPP ELA requirement has been waived for the 2020-21 school year. Here is CDE's updated FAQ with details:
Please update the State Seal of Biliteracy processing to either exclude the CAASPP requirement for 2020-21, or make the CAASPP requirement optional, with direction to LEAs to mark it optional for this year's processing.
3 votesHello, this Idea has been completed in the 02/25/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
State Seal of Biliteracy – The page now conforms to specific changes for the 2020-21 school year. For this school year only, the CAASPP ELA options are disabled, and all students will default to Not Applicable for this requirement. See
SELA Conflict Report-Fix ADEL issue
SELA Conflict Report is not recognizing the date in the EL Start date field as being the one to compare to what is in the EAD field that came from CALPADS.
1 voteHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 1/15/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
CALPADS Extracts – The SELA extract now includes Adult Ed students.
Language Assessment – The new Adult Ed Date field from LAC (LAC.AES) was added.
SELA Conflict Report – The report now uses the new date field for ADEL students (LAC.AES). -
Referrals for Intervention Approvals - Inactive and pre-enrolled students are displaying.
Referrals for Intervention Approvals - Inactive and pre-enrolled students are displaying. Referral Approvals should be limited to only students with teachers that belong to that site.
16 votesHello, A fix for this issue was released on 10/5/2023. Here are the Revision Notes:
Referrals Approval - The Include Inactive Students option was added allowing users to view only active students, or both active and inactive students.
Users (Security) - Add User Type Column to Display on Search
Please add another column - type (teacher, user, admin) to the users page along with the ability to sort or filter.
8 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 08/31/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Security – The User Type column has been added when searching or listing users on the Security pages. Also, when viewing lists of users, columns can now be sorted and filtered on. -
Staff page does not work when field restrictions are placed on a group's permission to the STF table
Staff page does not work when field restrictions are placed on a group's permission to the STF table
1 voteThis item has passed testing and shipped on 2/12/2021
STU.CIC label change
The STU.CIC field description on the Student Data 2 page needs to be change from Counted in CBEDS to Counted on Census Day.
3 votesHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 11/06/20 update. Here are the Revision Notes: Students – The Counted in CBEDS label was renamed to Counted on Census Day.
online enrollment military
Please add the Military Survey to the Online Enrollment process.
10 votesThis feature shipped in the update released on 6/8/2020.
The Residence Survey has been added to the Online Enrollment process
Mobile App - Attendance wording when there is no data
Please change the wording from "Nothing to Show" to something more user friendly like "Student has no absences" on the Attendance page when a student has no absences. "Nothing to Show" is confusing to some kids and to many parents.
4 votesHello, this item has been completed in the 10/26/2020 AppStore iOS Mobile Portal update. Parents will need to update their Mobile Portal App to see the change to the attendance screen.
iOS phones will now display the same wording as Android phones when a student does not have any attendance data (i.e., no absences, tardies, etc.) : No attendance data available -
Immunizations - Tdap 7th Grade Comment Box
In Aeries Immunization file --when you look from Tdap 7th all the way across to the far right--- all the other vaccines have a comment box to the right of the exemption and date columns. Can one be added for Tdap?
6 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 7/13/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- Immunizations
A Comment text area was added for 7th grade TDap.
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