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605 results found

  1. Import Test Results - Add Initial ELPAC 2020-21 File Layout

    Add the file layout for the 2020-21 Initial ELPAC Student Data File Layout to the Import Test Results page.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, This was completed in an update shipped on 10/4/2020. Here are the Revision Notes"
    One Roster Extracts (CSV and API) : Student grade levels higher then 12 will be translated using XRF records for Keller ISD in TX.

  3. Student Assertive Discipline Report - add option to not page break by student

    Student Assertive Discipline Report, there is not an option to choose whether you want to have a page break on each student. The report only prints one page per student. The customer needs the option to say No to one page per student, so that all students print on one page.

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    0 comments  ·  Reports  ·  Admin →

    Hello, the idea has been completed in the 09/21/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Student Assertive Discipline Record – This report has been adjusted to support the new Staff ID-based Referrer field.  Also, when using the “Hide Details” option, there is a new option to “Page Break on Each Student”.

  4. UC/ELC and CCGI - Add AUT as a Parent Consent Option

    Create UC/ELC Extract and CCGI Extract need an option to use AUT instead of STU/SUP on the parental consent question.

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  5. Copy ELPAC to LAC not including all parts from the test administration

    ELPAC now coming in with different dates on sub-parts of the test. Same Testing Administration. Causing an issue with Copy ELPAC to LAC. Only taking the parts with the most recent date, so only copied one sub-test. Need to change the Copy ELPAC scores to LAC to copy all scores with common Test Admin, as determined by the most recent date.

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  6. Update State Seal of Biliteracy Calculations for 2020-21

    SB 820 recently amended EC Section 51451(d) to state, "…For pupils who are on track to graduate in 2021 and were unable to take the assessment identified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a), the Superintendent may waive the requirement to pass that assessment." As a result, the CAASPP ELA requirement has been waived for the 2020-21 school year. Here is CDE's updated FAQ with details:

    Please update the State Seal of Biliteracy processing to either exclude the CAASPP requirement for 2020-21, or make the CAASPP requirement optional, with direction to LEAs to mark it optional for this year's processing.

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    Hello, this Idea has been completed in the 02/25/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    State Seal of Biliteracy – The page now conforms to specific changes for the 2020-21 school year. For this school year only, the CAASPP ELA options are disabled, and all students will default to Not Applicable for this requirement. See

  7. Attendance Percentages by Teacher Report with Date Range

    We would like to request an attendance report that contains class room attendance percentages by teacher with the option to select date range and sort by grade level.

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    31 comments  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →

    Hello, I wanted to let you know that work on this item was completed and it was released to customers on 8/27/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:

    Reports > Attendance Percentages by Teacher - The report was added to provide the Percentage Present and Percentage Absent by teacher, which are calculated based on the number of dates within a selected date range. See Attendance Percentages by Teacher Report.

    Link to video for Release Update features.

  8. District Assets-Add option to "filter" for items in the District Asset Detail Items tab.

    From the District Assets "Resources/Assets", we'd like the ability to filter the "list" of Items the Asset has, by a search option by either item or bar code.
    provide a "quick link" to the item details from the 'quick asset look up' page, by selecting the "item" number? It could link into asset detail "items" page? sometimes we just need a serial number or a mac address.

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  9. Ability to add local codes to MST.NCA and translate them in Calpads extracts code translations.

    Ability to add local codes to MST.NCA and translate them in Calpads extracts code translations.

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    Hello, this AeriesIdea item has been completed in the 1/13/22 update. Here are the pertinent Revision Note(s): 

    Master Schedule - Codes 24 and 25 were added to the Local Assign Option field, which were provided by CALPADS. This field also now supports custom codes that can be translated for CALPADS reporting.

  10. SSID Import fails with new CALPADS SpEd Indicator

    CALPADS added a new field to the SSID Extract file to hold a Special Education indicator as of 9/15/2020. We are adjusting our import process to handle this new indicator in a similar fashion as the English Language Acquisition Code and Date in the SSID Extract.

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    1 comment  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this bug has been completed in the 9/17/20 Hot Fix update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    The SSID import has been adjusted to account for the new “Student with Disabilities” column present in the file. Also, the SENR extract has been adjusted to only use E450 for PS, TD, or IN grades.

  11. CALPADS Programs Reference by Student report: add LIP programs

    The CALPADS Programs Reference by Student should include the Language Instruction Programs (LIPs).

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  12. Class Scheduling - Allow Alt Ed Scheduling for Specific Courses

    Would like to see a solution for High Schools who offer online courses (i.e. Edgenuity, APEX) and or use placeholder courses. Currently, High Schools are unable to know the exact course that students are taking via Edgenuity program, which makes it highly problematic to schedule, figure out their graduation status, keep tabs on progress via grading, transcribing.

    In looking at current Aeries features there are 2 current functions that get close to providing a solution. The first one is Alternative Ed. Scheduling, however I was told that this feature would not work in a regular comprehensive, as it would throw…

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, the idea has been completed in the 08/19/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    School Settings – A new option has been added to the Alt Ed Scheduling area to allow users to configure individual sections to be Flagged for Alt Ed Scheduling. Also, the language used to indicate the Alt Ed Scheduling option for a school has been updated to, “Use Alt Ed Scheduling For Entire School.”

  13. Online Enrollment - Allow Users to Change Deleted to Pending Import

    If a user accidentally deletes the wrong online enrollment record, there is currently no way to retrieve it or "undelete" it. You can't even view the information to manually enter it yourself. So, you would have to contact the parent and ask them to start over again. At the least I would want the ability to view those records so the person that made the mistake can in some way correct it, but it would be great if there was an option to move it out of delete and back to Partial or Pending status.

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 8/27/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Student Data > Demographics > Import

    • The Set as Incomplete button was replaced with the Update Status button, providing more options for updating an enrollment status:
    • A Pending Import record can be set to Partial (Incomplete) or Delete.
    • A Partial (Incomplete) record can be set to Delete.
    • A Deleted record can be set to Pending Import or Partial (Incomplete), allowing users to recover deleted records if needed.
    • The ability to view the confirmation page for Deleted and Partial (Incomplete) enrollments is now supported. The View button is now available on the Aeries Student Import page. Selecting the View button opens the confirmation page to view student enrollment details from within Online Enrollment. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students.

  14. Teacher Attendance: allow mass assignment of Attendance Notes to students in section

    Allow teachers to mass apply attendance notes to all of the students in a class.

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    Completed  ·  Rosby Przyk responded

    Hello, I wanted to let you know that this idea has been completed and is available in the 9/15/2020 AeriesWeb update. Thank you very much!

  15. Ability to Calculate Attendance Totals Based on Period Attendance

    Would like the option to Calculate Attendance Totals Based on Period Attendance instead of daily attendance for CALPADS EOY reporting for STAS

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    0 comments  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →

    Hello, the idea has been completed in the 12/04/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    School Option – A new option has been added to Calculate Attendance Totals Based on Period Attendance. This option will impact attendance calculations, attendance history calculations, CALPADS STAS extract, the student profile display and the attendance page display.

  16. Mobile App - Attendance wording when there is no data

    Please change the wording from "Nothing to Show" to something more user friendly like "Student has no absences" on the Attendance page when a student has no absences. "Nothing to Show" is confusing to some kids and to many parents.

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    Hello, this item has been completed in the 10/26/2020 AppStore iOS Mobile Portal update. Parents will need to update their Mobile Portal App to see the change to the attendance screen.
    iOS phones will now display the same wording as Android phones when a student does not have any attendance data (i.e., no absences, tardies, etc.) : No attendance data available

  17. Teacher Attendance - Back-posting attendance should not limit to the Bell Schedule

    Please allow teachers to change previous days attendance regardless of Portal Options to limit attendance to before or after a period time. Time of day should only affect today's date.

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    0 comments  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issues was fixed in the 10/14/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    Teacher Attendance: When time restrictions for taking attendance are enabled but either forward-posting or back-posting attendance is also enables, posting attendance on days other than the current day will now not enforce the time/bell schedule restrictions.

  18. School Options Incorrect Validation Message when Saving

    School Options page is giving a message when trying to change the school to Scheduling Type of "Secondary" and Attendance Type of "Period" and not able to save.

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  19. Please make HIS.SDE and HIS.CH visible on the Transcript input form when entering College courses

    Right now when entering College courses on a student's transcript, the two extra fields don't appear until the record is saved. At that time, validation check is performed against the Course ID entered into the field and check the Course Level (CRS.CL) to see if it is 23 or 24. If so, it then makes those two fields visible in READ mode.

    If the validation could take place AFTER the course ID is entered and display the additional fields at that time, that would be an great enhancement and make it much easier for counselors and registrars to make sure…

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    1 comment  ·  Transcripts  ·  Admin →

    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 10/5/2023 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    • Transcript - The Dual Enrollment Credit School and College Credit Hours fields will now display on the screen when adding a new record, after a course number is populated and the course has a course level flagged with Course Level 23-College Credit Only or 24-Dual Credit. Previously the fields were not displayed until the record was saved which required the user to edit the record again to complete the data entry.
  20. Teacher Attendance - Allow Updating of Certain Codes

    The Aeries Teacher Portal currently allows teachers to override any verified absence code, or override only unverified absence codes, and there isn't an option to allow teachers to override only certain verified absence codes.

    In Aeries, a Tardy Truant is treated as a Verified Tardy, which makes sense. However, if a teacher accidentally selects Tardy Truant, since it's considered "verified", they can't un-select it.

    It would be great if we could provide a comma-separated list of verified absence codes that teachers could override on the Portal Options screen. We wouldn't want to allow teachers to override all absence codes, like…

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    2 comments  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Camden Iliff responded

    This idea was completed with the 10/14/2020 update to Aeries with the following revision note:

    Teacher Attendance and Portal Options: A new portal option has been added to “Only Allow Teachers to Override Attendance Codes listed”. With this option, teachers will not be able to override a Verified Absence Code except when that Attendance Code is available to be used by a teacher. Due to recent changes for Distance Learning attendance accounting, teachers have been given access to use some Verified Attendance Codes but this presented problems because teachers had to either be allowed to override ANY Verified Absence Code or get stuck with that code after having used it. This new option fixes that. This option is mutually exclusive to the option to “Allow teachers to override verified absences”.

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