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  1. Flex Attendance - Highlight Current Day

    It is easy to lose the current day in the new horizontal att calendar when scrolling. It is still highlighted in Elem w/MST and secondary school types but not Flex.

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    Hello, a fix for this issue was released on 07/16/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:

    • Student Data > Attendance - For schools using Flex Scheduling, the following features were added to enhance functionality:
    • The Options button was added which opens a window providing the following settings:
    • Show Flex Period Time - If selected, the period start and end times are displayed in H:MM format. The setting remains saved even after leaving the page or logging out of Aeries.
    • Show Teacher - If selected, the teacher names are displayed.
    • The section number is now displayed next to each course.
    • The current date is highlighted in yellow.

  2. Import Test Results - STAAR Alt 2 3-8 - Update File Layout for 2021-2022 School Year

    Update the file layout for the STAAR Alt 2 3-8 to import data for the 2021-22 testing administration.

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  3. Scheduling Setup - Flex or Non Flex Ensure all correct options are selected

    Scheduling Setup - Flex or Non Flex Ensure all correct options are selected

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  4. Adjust Online Enrollment to support separate Education Levels for Parents/Guardians

    Adjustments needed because of changes CALPADS is making for Parent/Guardian information on the SINF file: Data is now being collected separately for Guardian 1 and Guardian 2: First Name, Last Name, Education Level.

    Move current question regarding Parent Ed Level into section collecting Parent/Guardian Info instead of the Student info. Use new field on Contacts to hold this information (CON.ELV) - same codes as old STU.PED field

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  5. Add "Primary Class" (MST.PC) to v5 Sections endpoint

    Add "Primary Class" (MST.PC) to v5 Sections endpoint

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  6. CRDC - Restraints and Seclusion Counts Doubled

    CRDC - Restraints and Seclusion Counts Doubled
    When students have moved from one school to another and back again to the first school during the course of the 2020 school year, their Behavioral Emergency record is being counted in both schools.

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  7. 1 vote

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    Hello, I wanted to let you know that this item has been completed and it was released in the update 10/22/2024. Here are the relevant release notes:

    • Student Data > Programs > Language Assessment - Under BIL/ESL Placement Authorization, the Code field drop-down list now includes both the code and description. Previously only the description was listed.

  8. Staff Need Teacher Fields for Flex Scheduling SMS Builder

    Customer is asking for adding the TCH fields that are auto populated to the SMS builder to the STF table. i.e. Room number, Class Max, Max Day, Lo/Hi grade

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 5/13/2022 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    Scheduling Info - See Staff Scheduling Information.

    • Staff - The Staff Scheduling Info section was added for section staff schools, allowing users to track school-specific information such as room number and max students per period. The data is stored in the SSI table.
    • Flex SMS Board - The Room and Max fields are now populated automatically with Staff Scheduling Information (SSI) when using the Add Class button or the SMS Builder.
    • Master Schedule - When saving a primary teacher in the Section Staff Members section, the Room and Max fields are now populated automatically with Staff Scheduling Information (SSI).
    • Scheduling Master - When saving a primary teacher in the Section Staff Members section, the Room and Max fields are now populated automatically with Staff Scheduling Information (SSI).
  9. Update Scheduler to schedule students into paired sections based on Class Link

    Update Scheduler to schedule students into paired sections based on Class Link

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    0 comments  ·  Scheduling  ·  Admin →

    Hello, the idea was completed and released in the 05/12/2022 update. Here are the revision notes:

    • Class Links - See Class  Link documentation.
      • Schedule All Students - The scheduler now honors the Class Link      field (SMS.CL), enabling a student to automatically be scheduled into all sections that have the same Class       Link when the student is scheduled into a section that has Class  Link populated.
      • SMS Board -The Schedule       Students process now honors the Class Link field (SMS.CL), enabling a       student to automatically be scheduled into all sections that have the same Class Link when the student is scheduled into a section that has Class  Link populated.
      • Course Requests - The Reschedule      button process now honors the Class       Link field (SMS.CL), enabling a student to automatically be scheduled into all sections that have the same Class Link when the student is scheduled into a…
  10. TX: Extended YR - Add CTE Course Service ID to Org/Master Schedule

    TX: Extended YR - Add CTE Course Service ID to Org/Master Schedule

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  11. Transcripts allow the More fields to display

    When adding a single transcript record, the more fields and the Dual Enrollment Credit School (College Level Courses) field does not display. You have to first save the record, then edit, click More, and enter the Dual Enrollment Credit School (or other more fields). Two step process could be a one step process = saves time!

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    2 comments  ·  Transcripts  ·  Admin →

    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 10/5/2023 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    • Transcript - The Dual Enrollment Credit School and College Credit Hours fields will now display on the screen when adding a new record, after a course number is populated and the course has a course level flagged with Course Level 23-College Credit Only or 24-Dual Credit. Previously the fields were not displayed until the record was saved which required the user to edit the record again to complete the data entry.
  12. Display Credits on Course Request Page

    On the course request page, display the credits that a student is scheduled to be enrollment for.

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    0 comments  ·  Scheduling  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this idea has been completed in the 1/26/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes: Course Requests and Classes - A summary of the student's Total Courses and Total Credits by Term is now displayed. Repeated courses are only counted once per term.

  13. Add COVID-19 Fields to Immunizations

    Add fields to record COVID vaccines. Need fields for brand, at least 3 date fields (doses 1 and 2 plus subsequent booster(s)).

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    3 comments  ·  Medical  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this request has been completed in the 11/04/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Immunizations – Additional fields have been added to this page to track student COVID-19 vaccinations, including tracking of exemptions, and vaccination type. Also, the Records Presented dropdown fields can now be customized by editing the IMM.RPT values on the Update Code Table page. Additional functionality related to COVID-19, including updating reports and tracking immunization status will be available in a future update.

  14. Option to remove the "add student" option to Student Portal Accounts

    Currently, students can "Add New Student" to their Student Portal Accounts. There is no reason for this option when we're mass creating accounts and it doesn't make sense why they would ever allow students to add students to their own portal accounts.

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  15. ReUpdate 22-23 - New Income Ceilings for PS

    State has re updated their numbers after the first effective date. Numbers need to be updated in Aeries

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    Sorry for the late notice, but a fix for this issue was released on 09/08/2022. Here are the relevant revision notes: 

    • Early Childhood Education - The EESD 9600 application and 801A extract were updated to the 2022-2023 income guidelines.
  16. Adjust SBAC report to work for Flex and Section Staff Schools

    Adjust the Print Smarter Balanced (SBAC) report to work in Flex Scheduling and Section Staff Schools. When selecting to print the option to sort by Period or Section, adjust this report to work in Flex Schools. Currently, this report returns a message "no information is available to print". Selecting to print by Period, needs to reflect Flex Periods instead of 1-9. Selecting to print by Section, needs to reflect staff from SSE/STF tables.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 02/17/22 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    Smarter Balanced Cards (SBAC) - The report now supports Flex Scheduling, section staff, and staff ID-based counselors.

  17. Transcript Enhanced-1-Column Style for the Graduated date change to MM/DD/YYYY

    For Transcript Enhanced-1-Column Style for the Graduated date it currently is MM/YYYY colleges want a graduation date MM/DD/YYYY. Please change the date to be MM/DD/YYYY instead of just MM/YYYY

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    0 comments  ·  Transcripts  ·  Admin →

    This item has been completed in the 12/1/2022 updated. Here are the Revision Notes: 

    Transcripts Definition - The Graduation Date Format field was added under Design Options allowing schools to select whether to print the graduation date in short format (MM/YYYY) or long format (MM/DD/YYYY) when running Student Transcripts report. The default is short format. See Texas - Student Academic Achievement Record (AAR)/Transcript.

  18. Summer ELPAC Testing - Create process to run in current year (Before Rollover)

    With the changes to TOMS and CALPADS, there is a need to allow the creation of SENR files and SELA records in the current year database to allow testing during the upcoming summer. Currently the process requires waiting until after Rollover process and run it in the new year database.

    This solution will leverage the Next School, Next Grade and Next Special Program fields, and create enrollment records using the Next School Start Date from the School Options page. It will be important for schools using this process to have the data in these fields be correct.

    A new tab…

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    3 comments  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this AeriesIdea item has been completed in the 7/20/21 update. Here are the pertinent Revision Note(s):

    CALPADS Extracts – A new tab has been added to host the processes that manage students for Summer ELPAC Testing. These processes will look at ATT to see if it has been initialized. If it has not, it will use the school calendar. If it has been initialized it will create the extracts with the next year information. See CALPADS Extracts – Summer ELPAC Testing Tab at the following link:

  19. Add a Delete option to the CERS extract page

    There is currently nowhere to delete a Profile from the CERS extract page. Request to add a delete option to the CERS extract page so we may delete Profiles we no longer need or were added in error.

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  20. Adjust Data Confirmation to support separate Education Levels for Parents/Guardians

    Adjustments needed because of changes CALPADS is making for Parent/Guardian information on the SINF file: Data is now being collected separately for Guardian 1 and Guardian 2: First Name, Last Name, Education Level.

    Move any reference to Highest Parent Ed Level into section collecting Contact Info for Parent/Guardian. Use new field on Contacts to hold this information (CON.ELV) - same codes as old STU.PED field and allow parents to enter/update data as part of DC process.

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