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605 results found

  1. Student Attendance Detail: add totals by grade level

    The Student Attendance Detail report needs attendance data totals for students, summarized by grade.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello! This has been completed with the 12/3 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Student Attendance Details report – Grade-level totals have been added to the Student Attendance Details report.

  2. The SMS Board in a Flex scheduling school is not rendering on weaker machines.

    The SMS Board fails to load (spinning wheel) and no error message displays in the Flex Scheduling school.

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  3. Class List by Section report: add option to print for a specific period and add signature line

    Add the option for the Class List by Section report to print for a specific period and include a signature line (signature, date, time).

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  4. Global Messages should be at the top of the home page

    Move School and District Messages (Global Web Messages) to the top of the home page to make them more prominent. They should also be sorted by most recently modified.

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    Completed  ·  Kevin Praeger responded

    This project was completed in a recent Aeries update. Global Messages are now displayed at the top of the home page.

  5. Co-Teacher for API / OneRoster - Teacher & Office Entry Access

    With remote-learning, we are now in need of something to better sync our co-teachers, sub-teacher support staff, & instructional aides with our online learning platforms.

    Is there a way to create a form accessible to both teachers & office staff ( users ) to allow adding an co-teachers & instructional aides to a class / section?

    When tagged / added, it would add that user to the OneRoster / Aeries API syncs so they can be imported by our online platforms?

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    Completed  ·  Kevin Praeger responded

    This item has been released with the 9/24/2020 update. Please see the revision notes for details.

  6. Update to CDD-801A Extract

    Update to Update to CDD-801A Extract file layout and SMI threshold.

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    Completed  ·  Rosby Przyk responded


    Programming for this idea is now complete and is available in the 10/14/2020 update.

    Thank you

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, This was completed in an update shipped on 10/4/2020. Here are the Revision Notes"
    One Roster Extracts (CSV and API) : Student grade levels higher then 12 will be translated using XRF records for Keller ISD in TX.

  8. Student Assertive Discipline Report - add option to not page break by student

    Student Assertive Discipline Report, there is not an option to choose whether you want to have a page break on each student. The report only prints one page per student. The customer needs the option to say No to one page per student, so that all students print on one page.

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    0 comments  ·  Reports  ·  Admin →

    Hello, the idea has been completed in the 09/21/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Student Assertive Discipline Record – This report has been adjusted to support the new Staff ID-based Referrer field.  Also, when using the “Hide Details” option, there is a new option to “Page Break on Each Student”.

  9. Copy Student from Another Database Suffix

    We need the ability to copy 1 student from another database suffix (same feature that was available in AeriesCS).

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  10. Ability to add local codes to MST.NCA and translate them in Calpads extracts code translations.

    Ability to add local codes to MST.NCA and translate them in Calpads extracts code translations.

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    Hello, this AeriesIdea item has been completed in the 1/13/22 update. Here are the pertinent Revision Note(s): 

    Master Schedule - Codes 24 and 25 were added to the Local Assign Option field, which were provided by CALPADS. This field also now supports custom codes that can be translated for CALPADS reporting.

  11. Immunizations page Records Presented dropdown should allow custom code table values

    Allow users the ability to add codes to the Code Table on Immunizations (IMM) in the Records Presented fields. Currently, these codes are hard coded. The fields affected include: IMM.RTP, IMM.RTK, IMM.RT7, etc. Currently these are fixed codes.

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    0 comments  ·  Medical  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this request has been completed in the 11/04/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    The Records Presented dropdown fields can now be customized by editing the IMM.RPT values on the Update Code Table page.

  12. Teacher Attendance: allow mass assignment of Attendance Notes to students in section

    Allow teachers to mass apply attendance notes to all of the students in a class.

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    0 comments  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Rosby Przyk responded

    Hello, I wanted to let you know that this idea has been completed and is available in the 9/15/2020 AeriesWeb update. Thank you very much!

  13. New Layout for AP Test Results - July 2020

    College Board has announced changes to AP results file layout, beginning in July 2020. Aeries will be making changes to the Import Test Results file. This Aeries idea will be updated when the file layout is updated.

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    0 comments  ·  Test Scores  ·  Admin →
  14. Allow printing an individual student's SBG report card from the SBG page

    Teachers can print an individual student's report card. Allow the same for admin staff by adding a print button.

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    1 comment  ·  Grades (GRD)  ·  Admin →
  15. Dual Enrollment Summer Term Should Be Extracted to CalPads

    Currently Dual Enrollment courses that count as High School Credits but are taken through local colleges over the summer are not extracted for reporting to CalPads so long as they are added as a Summer Term. The problem is that if they are entered as a Fall/Spring Term then the data is inaccurate in Aeries and also it confuses Parents/Students because on the Transcript it prints under the Fall/Spring Term.

    There should be a way for Summer Term classes entered on the transcript that are specially marked as Dual Enrollment courses to be extracted to be uploaded to CalPads. These…

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    1 comment  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this idea has been completed in the 07/02/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    College courses taken during summer terms will now be included in the CRSC/SCSC extracts for CALPADS EOY processing so they can be included for student College/Career Indicators.

  16. Sync Case Carrier from SEIS to Aeries

    We would like case carrier information in SEIS to Sync with the CSE table in Aeries.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 11/02/2021update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    Special Ed Data Import – There is a new option to configure Extended Fields for this process. These are additional fields that the vendor would add to the data files, which can be mapped to fields in the CSE and CSV tables.

  17. Supplemental Attendance Report - Page Break by Student

    Would like to print the Supplemental Attendance Report and have it page break by student. There is currently a page break for reason.

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    Hello, the idea has been completed in the 08/31/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Print Supplemental Attendance Report – Added option to allow page breaking on student. When this option is selected, the “Page Break on Reason” option will be disabled.

  18. The Global Messages module needs to support HTML and have a WYSIWYG to allow font bolding and sizing.

    Global Messages module needs to support HTML and have a WYSIWYG to allow font bolding and sizing. This is for School and District Messages.

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  19. Add STU.CIC field to API

    Please add the STU.CIC (Counted in Census Day) field to the Aeries API.

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    0 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kevin Praeger responded

    The STU.CIC field (Counted in Census Day) field was added to the Aeries API and released in a previous version of Aeries.

  20. Google Integration Emails - Unwanted Emails

    Disable the Google automated emails for every change in Student enrollment.

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