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  1. CALPADS SSID Import Error Email

    As of the 3/30/2023 Aeries update, an error email is generating when using the Aeries Load Identifier process and when not using the new Aeries SSID Match process. The 2nd email should not be sent when loading identifiers.

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    Hello, I wanted to let you know that work on this item was completed and it was released to customers on 2/11/2025.

    Here are the relevant revision notes:

    School Info > Imports and Exports > CALPADS Extracts - 

    Identifiers: Enhancements were made to allow districts that manually load the SSID file without utilizing the SSID Match tool process to proceed without receiving an error message email. 

  2. CALPADS SPRG ODS process - add option to skip FRE records with the Source of Direct Cert (FRE.SRC = DC)

    Add an option to skip FRE records with the Source of Direct Cert (FRE.SRC = DC) in the SPRG files. This will allow the SPRG ODS process to not send up NSLP (FRE) records that have been created from the Direct Certification Import.

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    1 comment  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this Aeries Idea has been released in the 5/18/2023 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    CALPADS - On the Other Options tab, the FRE.SCR codes to exclude from SPRG section was added allowing users to exclude certain Free Source records when processing the SPRG extract.

  3. Seniors Lacking Credit for Graduation report needs to honor Keep/Skip queries

    It would be nice to be able to use keep/skips for reports like for the "Seniors Lacking Credit For Graduation By Subject" report. We use to be able to do this in CS

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, the idea has been completed in the 06/08/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Seniors Lacking Credit For Graduation Report – KEEP/SKIP Support and Report Tags have been implemented on this report.

  4. Allow Teachers to be able to add attachments to emails!

    Please allow the ability for teachers to add attachments to emails.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this idea has been completed in the 08/17/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Send Emails – A new feature to add email signatures and attachments has been added.

  5. Student Search Slow or Failing to Load in some circumstances.

    As of 7.16, there's an issue with the Student Search becoming unresponsive when searching by name or student number. This only happens when searching from the Attendance page and has a console error listed.

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 7/23/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    • Student Data > Attendance - The Student Search feature became unresponsive when searching from this page. The Student Search feature now functions properly on the Attendance page.

  6. Assertive Discipline Foster Youth

    Please have Aeries show a red message for students who have an active 190 Special Program Record or active record in the Foster Details screen the same way that it does for students who have IEP information in the SpEd screen and 504 students. "Student with an IEP" but instead "Student is a Foster Youth". That would be a huge help to sites to know right when they're entering an Assertive Discipline incident that the student is a current Foster Youth & their social worker and/or attorney will need to be notified of the incident.

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    0 comments  ·  Discipline  ·  Admin →

     Hello, this idea (or bug) has been completed in the 10/26/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Assertive Discipline - The messages "Student is in Foster Care" and "Student is Homeless" are now displayed if the student is associated with either program.

  7. Same Name report to include inactive records

    We are reviewing our database and finding a ton of records newly imported this year with a new Perm Id that already had an existing Perm id. If the same name report compared active and inactive we could easily catch more of these without such extensive research.

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    Completed  ·  Carole Williams responded

    This Idea was completed in the 08/03/2021 update. Here is the Revision Note:
    Students With Same Name Report – A new option to “Include Inactive Students” has been added to this report.

  8. Cal Grant - Add option to print Legal or Preferred Student Name

    For our students who have legal name hidden, the Cal Grant GPA Export run from Aeries is only showing preferred name which does not not matching the Cal grant application (legal name) and therefore those students are not considered for or eligible for financial aid. Please add an option on what name to print.

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    Hello, a fix for this issue was released on 1/11/2024. Here are the revision notes:

    School Info > Imports and Exports > Cal Grant GPA Export - The Print Student Legal Name option was added allowing users with permission to the Legal Student Information table (LSI) to include the legal name and gender in the extract file, and to print the legal name in the GPA Listing report, if populated. Otherwise the preferred name and gender are extracted. Gender is no longer included in the report.

  9. SELA Conflict Report-Add options for report

    CALPADS - SELA Conflict report - Needs report options added:

    1) Add option to skip Pre-school students (errors reported are invalid for PS)
    2) Have report honor KEEP and SKIPS.
    3) School selector when run at district, or honor Schools tab

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    3 comments  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Camden Iliff responded

    These adjustments were made in the 11/20/2020 update to Aeries:
    SELA Conflict Report – The report has been adjusted to handle Adult English Learner (ADEL) language fluency. Also, it now supports KEEP / SKIP, school selection (when logged at the district and not running the report from the CALPADS page), and the ability to skip Pre-School (PS) grade level.

  10. Import Test Results - Update the PSAT 8/9 File Layout for 2024-25

    Import Test Results - Update the PSAAT 8/9 File Layout for 2024-25

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  11. CALPADS Other Options Race Intentionally left blank should pull for SDEM

    Adjust the SDEM extract to use the 'Race Intentionally Left Blank' option when STF race fields have this designated tag. Currently, the CALPADS option is only used for Students. Adjust this field to honor Staff too.

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    1 comment  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this idea (or bug) has been completed in the 12/19/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    School Info > Imports and Exports > CALPADS Extracts (Fall 2 and EOY tabs) (SDEM) - The SDEM extract now honors the “Race Intentionally Left blank indicator” on the CALPADS > Other Options tab. The extract sets the Staff Race Missing Indicator to Y if the Race field on the Staff page (STF.RC1) is set to a code that is translated to 'Race Intentionally Left Blank."  See Race/Ethnicity documentation.

  12. Residence Survey child rights and liaison information

    Residence Survey child rights and liaison information - Relocate the children rights information and liaison information and display the information when any Housing Status is made other than Decline to Answer

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  13. FLEX SMS/MST board to print by department

    Add FLEX SMS/MST board to print by department

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  14. Delete Partial Enrollments from Import Screen

    Please add the ability for users to delete partial (incomplete) enrollment for Online Enrollment while in the AIR Import screen. Currently, it can only be done by SQL query and regular secretaries and registrars don't have access to do this.

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  15. Parent Square Attendance notification does not display flex periods individually

    In Flex schools, allow the flex periods to display individually for Attendance notifications to Parent Square. Currently, the message appears as "one or more classes".

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  16. Import Test Results - Update the PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT/10 File Layout for 2024-25

    Import Test Results - Update the PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT/10 File Layout for 2024-25

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  17. Change CALPADS process to generate multiple SENR files

    Due to the changes CALPADS launched in their new environment, we must make immediate adjustments to the Enrollment Update Extracts

    When processing SENR reconciliation process, output into several files

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    0 comments  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 6/22/22 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    CALPADS Extracts - The SENR Operational Data Store (ODS) tab now provides SENR extracts that are output in a zip file which contains separate files which are required due to changes with the operational key fields in the SENR extract. The sub-files are prepended with the order in which they should be uploaded, 001, 002, 003, etc.

    Further refinements of this process are planned, including redesigning the Enrollment Update page. Until then, please use this process for all SENR updates needed. 

    See CALPADS Extracts - SENR ODS Reconciliation

  18. Import Test Results- Add Initial ELPAC 2021-2022 File Layout

    Add the file layout for the 2021-22 Initial ELPAC (IELPAC) Student Data File Layout to the Import Test Results page.

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  19. Summer ELPAC Testing - Create process to run in current year (Before Rollover)

    With the changes to TOMS and CALPADS, there is a need to allow the creation of SENR files and SELA records in the current year database to allow testing during the upcoming summer. Currently the process requires waiting until after Rollover process and run it in the new year database.

    This solution will leverage the Next School, Next Grade and Next Special Program fields, and create enrollment records using the Next School Start Date from the School Options page. It will be important for schools using this process to have the data in these fields be correct.

    A new tab…

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    3 comments  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this AeriesIdea item has been completed in the 7/20/21 update. Here are the pertinent Revision Note(s):

    CALPADS Extracts – A new tab has been added to host the processes that manage students for Summer ELPAC Testing. These processes will look at ATT to see if it has been initialized. If it has not, it will use the school calendar. If it has been initialized it will create the extracts with the next year information. See CALPADS Extracts – Summer ELPAC Testing Tab at the following link:

  20. 26 votes

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