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  1. Add missing test parts to Focused IAB Test Results

    Several test parts for both ELA and Math in 8th grade can not be imported into Aeries but are available in the score file from the Spring 2021 Focused IAB tests. Please add the missing test parts to the CSN table so they can be imported into Aeries.

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  2. Flex Scheduling Master Scheduling Board

    When trying to schedule, the master schedule puts all term 2 in unassigned teacher rather into the teacher section

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    This was completed in the 10/26/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    MST Board – This page has been adjusted to support Flex Scheduling.

  3. Adjust SBAC report to work for Flex and Section Staff Schools

    Adjust the Print Smarter Balanced (SBAC) report to work in Flex Scheduling and Section Staff Schools. When selecting to print the option to sort by Period or Section, adjust this report to work in Flex Schools. Currently, this report returns a message "no information is available to print". Selecting to print by Period, needs to reflect Flex Periods instead of 1-9. Selecting to print by Section, needs to reflect staff from SSE/STF tables.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 02/17/22 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    Smarter Balanced Cards (SBAC) - The report now supports Flex Scheduling, section staff, and staff ID-based counselors.

  4. Parent Square Attendance notification does not display flex periods individually

    In Flex schools, allow the flex periods to display individually for Attendance notifications to Parent Square. Currently, the message appears as "one or more classes".

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  5. Student Contact Report has misspelling

    The Student Contacts report has "Correspondence" spelled "Correspondance"... Please correct spelling.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 01/25/2022 update.  

  6. Suspension Attendance Listing by Student - Adjust for Flex Scheduling

    Suspension Attendance Listing by Student needs to be adjusted for Flex Scheduling.

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 10/25/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Suspension Attendance Listing by Student – This report has been adjusted to support schools using Flex Scheduling.

  7. Attendance Page in FLEX Should Revert to the Original View

    Allow the Attendance page in a flex school to display with minimal options and a more condensed view. The header has too much information. Condense all rows to display more of the student's attendance for more days in the month. The user wants to have similar views as the non-flex school does.

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    Hello, I wanted to let you know that work on this item was completed and it was released to customers on 8/27/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:

    Student Data > Attendance - For schools using Flex Scheduling and Period attendance, a Summarized View is now available, which lists only essential information and allows more dates to be visible without scrolling. See Flex Scheduling - Student Attendance.

    Link to Video for Release Notes.

  8. Lunch count boxes labeled for teachers when taking attendance

    Currently teachers do not see labels above the lunch count boxes when entering counts, just two boxes next to each other. It would be great if these boxes were labeled, one as "Count" and one as "Comment" so the teachers knew where to put the number. Thank you!

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    0 comments  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →

    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 11/23/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Teacher Attendance – This page now supports lunch count recording for flex and staff section schools doing daily attendance. Further programming will be done to add this function to the Teacher Attendance By Photo page. Also, headers for the Lunch Count fields were added, for improvement of data accuracy.

  9. Display Orphaned CAT records on Attendance Enrollment in Flex Schools and allow for deleting records

    Display Orphaned CAT records on Attendance Enrollment in Flex Schools and allow for deleting records

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  10. ParentSquare - Allow for Attendance summary notifications to run once at a specific time.

    ParentSquare - Allow for Attendance summary notifications to run once at a specific time.

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  11. Add a Delete option to the CERS extract page

    There is currently nowhere to delete a Profile from the CERS extract page. Request to add a delete option to the CERS extract page so we may delete Profiles we no longer need or were added in error.

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  12. Independent Study Signatures/Alert for New Signature Requires

    Allow for users to also E-Sign as well as parents.

    Have some sort of way to alert a user/parent that they have a new signature required for I/S. A Portal banner message with a link or a way for us to customize the banner, or a way for us to email pending signatures to teachers/parents.

    Have an audit page for school office staff to track all their pending/active I/S.

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 10/26/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    • Independent Study – A “Send a Reminder” button is available to notify parents, students, or staff to sign Independent Study Agreement documents. A confirmation email notification will be sent when a document has been digitally signed. The emails are drafted in English and Spanish. Two new Portal Teacher URL fields have been added to the School Options page in District to be used with “Send a Reminder” email for signatories. See Independent Study Agreements documentation.

  13. Create an Attendance Enrollment Management Page

    We need a page for when students go on independent study as a result of short-term quarantine that allows us to mass update groups of students in and out of attendance programs and updates their attendance program status on both the attendance enrollment and the student program in the demographics page. It's super tedious to individually click to change the status for each child each time they are temporarily online.

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    Hello, the idea has been completed in the 1/6/2022 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    Mass Update Attendance Enrollment - A new page was added to facilitate the process for mass updating attendance enrollment information. The page allows selected students to be updated with an array of filters and gives the ability to apply program changes, teacher changes for elementary schools, leave and enter dates, and exit reasons which will be applied to the relevant student tables. See Mass Update Attendance Enrollment

  14. UID-Enrollment Tracking pulling all students

    When the Enrollment Tracking process is run it is pulling all students, not just the students with changes which creates duplicates if one of the 5 main demographic elements changes between the first submission and the second then you have to submit TIMS tickets to have them remove the duplicate,

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    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this bug has been completed in the 10/27/2022 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Unique ID Functions - The Enrollment Tracking process was extracting Enrollment Events that had already been sent to TSDS, fixed.

  15. Adjust Missing Positive Attendance Listing to work in Flex Scheduling schools.

    Adjust Missing Positive Attendance Listing to work in Flex Scheduling schools.

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  16. Assertive Discipline - Adjust the Referrer field (ADS.RF)

    Assertive Discipline - Adjust the Referrer field (ADS.RF) to Support the Staff table (STF ) instead of the Teacher table (TCH).

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    0 comments  ·  Discipline  ·  Admin →

    Hello, the idea has been completed in the 09/21/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Assertive Discipline – The Referrer field now uses a Staff ID lookup and saves to a new database field. The old Referrer field will display as “Other” when the new Referrer field is not populated.

    Student Assertive Discipline Record – This report has been adjusted to support the new Staff ID-based Referrer field. Also, when using the “Hide Details” option, there is a new option to “Page Break on Each Student”.

    Discipline Letter to Parent – This report has been adjusted to support the new Staff ID-based Referrer field.

    Suspension Letter to Parent – This report has been adjusted to support the new Staff ID-based Referrer field.

    Discipline Dashboard – This page has been adjusted to support the new Staff ID-based Referrer field.

    Aeries API V5 – The Assertive Discipline endpoints will now output the…

  17. Students with Perfect Attendance Report - Adjust for Staff ID Based counselor option

    Adjust "Students with Perfect Attendance Report" to work when the school has enabled the Staff ID Based counselor option.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 11/04/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Students with Perfect Attendance – This report has been adjusted to support schools tracking Primary Classes. It has also been adjusted to support schools using Staff ID Based Counselors.

  18. Option to hide Flex Period times on Attendance

    Create an options for schools to hide the Flex Period times on the Attendance Page.

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    Hello, a fix for this issue was released on 07/16/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:

    • Student Data > Attendance - For schools using Flex Scheduling, the following features were added to enhance functionality:
    • The Options button was added which opens a window providing the following settings:
    • Show Flex Period Time - If selected, the period start and end times are displayed in H:MM format. The setting remains saved even after leaving the page or logging out of Aeries.
    • Show Teacher - If selected, the teacher names are displayed.
    • The section number is now displayed next to each course.
    • The current date is highlighted in yellow.

  19. District GPA - Remove Class Rank/Size when Grad Track set to not be included in Class Rank

    Remove Class Rank and Size from the GPA record when a student's Grad Track (STU.GRT) is set to not be included in Class Rank.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 12/09/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    District GPA – Class Rank and Class Size were not set to zero for students whose graduation track was set to not be included in class rank, fixed.

  20. District GPA - Option to select STU.TG to include in Class Rank/Size

    Add an option to select which Status Tags (STU.TG) to include in the District GPA Class Rank/Size calculation. For example, allow Early Graduates to be included but not Inactive or No Show students.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 12/09/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    GPA Configurations – The option to include inactive students when calculating district GPAs was added.

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