Aeries Ideas
605 results found
Option to remove the "add student" option to Student Portal Accounts
Currently, students can "Add New Student" to their Student Portal Accounts. There is no reason for this option when we're mass creating accounts and it doesn't make sense why they would ever allow students to add students to their own portal accounts.
19 votesThis was completed in the 3/14/2024 version of Aeries.
Modify Internship page to hide prior year records, not inactive records.
Because internships are now part of the WBLR extract that happens at the end of the year, many times they are being recorded after the internship has ended. Once the record is saved, it disappears from view, and the user thinks the record didn't save properly, so duplicate records are added.
32 votesHello, I wanted to let you know that work on this item was completed, and it was released to customers on 1/14/2025. Here are the relevant revision notes:
Student Data > Other > Internships - The Include Inactive Internships option was renamed to Include Prior Year Internships. When selected, all internship records are now displayed, including prior year records with an end date in the past. Previously only inactive records were listed. See Internships.
ReUpdate 22-23 - New Income Ceilings for PS
State has re updated their numbers after the first effective date. Numbers need to be updated in Aeries
1 voteHello,
Sorry for the late notice, but a fix for this issue was released on 09/08/2022. Here are the relevant revision notes:
- Early Childhood Education - The EESD 9600 application and 801A extract were updated to the 2022-2023 income guidelines.
Adjust SBAC report to work for Flex and Section Staff Schools
Adjust the Print Smarter Balanced (SBAC) report to work in Flex Scheduling and Section Staff Schools. When selecting to print the option to sort by Period or Section, adjust this report to work in Flex Schools. Currently, this report returns a message "no information is available to print". Selecting to print by Period, needs to reflect Flex Periods instead of 1-9. Selecting to print by Section, needs to reflect staff from SSE/STF tables.
12 votesHello, this issue has been resolved in the 02/17/22 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Smarter Balanced Cards (SBAC) - The report now supports Flex Scheduling, section staff, and staff ID-based counselors.
Transcript Enhanced-1-Column Style for the Graduated date change to MM/DD/YYYY
For Transcript Enhanced-1-Column Style for the Graduated date it currently is MM/YYYY colleges want a graduation date MM/DD/YYYY. Please change the date to be MM/DD/YYYY instead of just MM/YYYY
1 voteThis item has been completed in the 12/1/2022 updated. Here are the Revision Notes:
Transcripts Definition - The Graduation Date Format field was added under Design Options allowing schools to select whether to print the graduation date in short format (MM/YYYY) or long format (MM/DD/YYYY) when running Student Transcripts report. The default is short format. See Texas - Student Academic Achievement Record (AAR)/Transcript.
Summer ELPAC Testing - Create process to run in current year (Before Rollover)
With the changes to TOMS and CALPADS, there is a need to allow the creation of SENR files and SELA records in the current year database to allow testing during the upcoming summer. Currently the process requires waiting until after Rollover process and run it in the new year database.
This solution will leverage the Next School, Next Grade and Next Special Program fields, and create enrollment records using the Next School Start Date from the School Options page. It will be important for schools using this process to have the data in these fields be correct.
A new tab…
26 votesHello, this AeriesIdea item has been completed in the 7/20/21 update. Here are the pertinent Revision Note(s):
CALPADS Extracts – A new tab has been added to host the processes that manage students for Summer ELPAC Testing. These processes will look at ATT to see if it has been initialized. If it has not, it will use the school calendar. If it has been initialized it will create the extracts with the next year information. See CALPADS Extracts – Summer ELPAC Testing Tab at the following link:
Add a Delete option to the CERS extract page
There is currently nowhere to delete a Profile from the CERS extract page. Request to add a delete option to the CERS extract page so we may delete Profiles we no longer need or were added in error.
14 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 11/03/2022 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Adjust Data Confirmation to support separate Education Levels for Parents/Guardians
Adjustments needed because of changes CALPADS is making for Parent/Guardian information on the SINF file: Data is now being collected separately for Guardian 1 and Guardian 2: First Name, Last Name, Education Level.
Move any reference to Highest Parent Ed Level into section collecting Contact Info for Parent/Guardian. Use new field on Contacts to hold this information (CON.ELV) - same codes as old STU.PED field and allow parents to enter/update data as part of DC process.
73 votesHello, this item has been completed in the 07/23/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes: -
Adjust Socio-Economic Disadvantaged Status Calculation
Adjustments are needed in Aeries Analytics because of changes CALPADS is making for Parent/Guardian information on the SINF file. Education Level is now being collected separately for Guardian 1 and Guardian 2, Currently one method the student meets the definition is if the highest education level in STU.PED is Not A High School Graduate.
70 votesHello, a fix for this issue was released on 06/04/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:
Aeries Analytics (LCAP Indicators) - The Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Status now uses the Ed Level field on the Contacts page (CON.ELV) instead of Student Parent Education Level (STU.PED) to determine student's Socio-Economically Disadvantaged status, according to changes in CALPADS requirements. The criteria is now based on both parent's highest education level being equivalent to 'not a high school graduate,' unless only one parent is reported to CALPADS. Contacts are identified as Parent/Guardians based on Record Type field (CON.CD) according to District Settings. See Analytics Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Students or Chart of LCAP Indicators.
Assets Checked out to Students N Per page report
Assets Checked out to Students N Per page report visually displays Item # on two lines if it is more than 4 characters. Enhance to widen column to display Item # information in a better visual format.
The Optional Message comment box does not print entire comment if more than 2 lines of text. Enhance to display longer comment text.2 votesThis issue appears to be resolved in a previous update. If the issue occurs again, please submit an Aeries Support ticket.
New ATT.RS for transfer between Schools with same CDS
Please add a new Hard-coded value in the ATT.RS. This code would be used for students transferring between two Aeries Schools with the same CDS code. When CALPADS data is extracted, this code should be bypassed just as a 440 is, but the error on the student Demographics and Attendance pages do not pop-up.
16 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 10/14/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Demographic, Attendance Enrollment and Attendance Audit Listing Report – Allow Exit Reason Code 440 to be used when a student leaves a school to attend another school in the same District, with a matching CDS code, or if the STU.HS field is populated at the new school where the same CDS code is used.
MST Board - Create a Flex MST Board page for Flex Scheduling Schools
MST Board - Create a Flex MST Board page for Flex Scheduling Schools
16 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 10/26/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Master Schedule Board – This page has been adjusted to support Flex Scheduling. -
Flex Periods - Make the Academic Year field read-only for current year when associated with a section
Flex Periods - Make the Academic Year field read-only for current year when associated with a section
1 voteHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 10/20/2022 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- Flex Periods - The Academic Year drop-down list is now displayed in read-only mode when the period is associated with an MST or SMS section in the current year. See Flex Scheduling - Flex Periods.
Add NWEA 2021-2022 File layout
Please add the NWEA File Layout for 2021-2022.
7 votesThis idea was resolved in 12/1/2022
Adding students not in your class to a gradebook in Flex Scheduling
We're using Flex Scheduling this year. In all years past when teachers go to add students “not in your class”, there is an option to search by class. Now it says unassigned and it pulls up every student in our school. This appears to be because it is reading from the Teacher table and not MST.
6 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 04/14/22 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Gradebook - The option for Add Students Not in Your Class under Manage Students has been updated to include staff from the STF table for flex elementary schools using primary class tracking. See Gradebook - Manage Students.
Attendance Audit Listing lists error AF Student has Course Attendance without Enrollment for each student in Summer School
In Secondary or Elem w/MST Summer Schools, the new version of the report can incorrectly print an AF Student has Course Attendance without Enrollment error. The old version of the report is not printing this error incorrectly.
23 votesHello! This item was completed and shipped in the 10/26/2021 version of Aeries!
Online Enrollment Import Page - Add Filter and Sort Options
Add sort and filter options for the Online Enrollment Import page.
34 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 8/10/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- Student Import - The Results table now allows sorting and filtering data by column, and filtering by academic year. For self-hosted customers, the latest version of Online Enrollment must be installed. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students.
Enhance Honor Roll and Class Rank from Transcript Report
Enhance the Honor Roll and Class Rank Listing from Transcript Report to Include:
1. Needs to capture students who were enrolled in 1st semester ( include "I", and "G" )
2. Include in the report Student ID
3. Option to run the Report Alpha or by Rank (descending or ascending )3 votesTwo of the requests in this idea have been completed as of the 11/19/2024 update. The remaining item, to include students with certain inactive records, remains in Aeries Idea
We have made sure that all voters on this idea are also on the 43522248 idea.
Here are the revision notes for the 11/19/2024 update:
Reports > Honor Roll And Class Rank Listing From Transcripts
- The Student ID is now printed.
- The report can now by run by class rank & student name.
- Students without a class rank can now be omitted from the report.
- See Grade Reporting - Print Honor Roll and Class Rank Listing
Online Enrollment - Allow Users to Change Deleted to Pending Import
If a user accidentally deletes the wrong online enrollment record, there is currently no way to retrieve it or "undelete" it. You can't even view the information to manually enter it yourself. So, you would have to contact the parent and ask them to start over again. At the least I would want the ability to view those records so the person that made the mistake can in some way correct it, but it would be great if there was an option to move it out of delete and back to Partial or Pending status.
138 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 8/27/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Student Data > Demographics > Import
- The Set as Incomplete button was replaced with the Update Status button, providing more options for updating an enrollment status:
- A Pending Import record can be set to Partial (Incomplete) or Delete.
- A Partial (Incomplete) record can be set to Delete.
- A Deleted record can be set to Pending Import or Partial (Incomplete), allowing users to recover deleted records if needed.
- The ability to view the confirmation page for Deleted and Partial (Incomplete) enrollments is now supported. The View button is now available on the Aeries Student Import page. Selecting the View button opens the confirmation page to view student enrollment details from within Online Enrollment. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students.
Staff Page - Add class totals
For Flex scheduling, add the total students to the Staff page.
11 votesHello, a fix for this issue was released on 9/17/24. Here are the relevant revision notes:
- School Info > Staff - For schools using Flex Scheduling, the following were added and changed in the Scheduling Master Schedule Classes and Master Schedule Classes sections. See Flex Scheduling - Staff Data.
- The Per (Period) column is now sorted by term, start time, then short title.
- A Total Stu field was added for each section which displays the Total from Scheduling Master (SMS.TS) or Master Schedule (MST.TS).
- The Max Seats field was added for each section which displays the Max (maximum students) from Scheduling Master (SMS.MX) or Master Schedule (MST.MX).
- If Total Stu exceeds Max, the Total Stu value is displayed in bold red font.
- A Total Sections count was added to the subtotal footer row which displays the total number of sections for the staff member.
- A Total Seats count…
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