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605 results found

  1. ParentSquare - Support a second Start Time for the All Day Absence Notifications

    ParentSquare - Support a second Start Time for the All Day Absence Notifications

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  2. Generate Report Card History - Add support for Flex Section Staff and Primary Class Tracking

    The long-running process for Generate Report Card History is not creating all records in the RCH table for all students that have a report card printed. The code is still referring to TCH and TN in a Flex Scheduling school and needs to change to using Staff ID for Section Staff.

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  3. Enable Wait Lists for Flex Scheduling

    Customers utilizing Flex Scheduling need the ability to utilize the Wait List functionality. Please make the changes necessary to allow this.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, This was completed in the update released on 5/3/2022.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    Scheduling Wait Lists - Wait Lists are now supported in schools using Flex Scheduling.

  4. Online Enrollment - Update Home Language Survey if blank

    Online enrollment matching on a student that already exists in the system should update the LAC.L1-L4 if they are blank.

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 7/30/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    • Student Data > Programs > Language Assessment - If a student has a language code in Online Enrollment but language codes are blank on the Language Assessment page, the language codes from Online Enrollment will now be imported and populate the language fields on the Language Assessment page. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students.

  5. TX: Enhancement to State Test Tab on Language Assessment page

    Need to add the LAS and Pre LAS to the Language Assessment - State Test Page

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    0 comments  ·  Language  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this idea has been completed in the 3/30/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    Language Assessment - The State Tests tab is now available, allowing maintenance of testing information related to language program participation.

    Test Scores - The LAS, PRELAS, TELPAs and TELPAS A tests were added to the list of available tests.

  6. Allow Flex Periods and Class Calendar to have Linking Capability

    Linking the Flex Periods and Flex Calendars so that when selecting one the other is attached. Districts could link or choose not to link based on how they are building their schedules. This just makes good sense and eliminates repetitious data entry.

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    Hello, I wanted to let you know that work on this item was completed and it was released to customers on 07/30/24. Here are the relevant revision notes:

    • Attendance Accounting > Configuration > Flex Periods - The Associated Class Calendar field was added allowing users to associate a Flex period with a class calendar within the same school year. This new field was added for future development that will be used in conjunction with the Scheduling Master Schedule page. See Flex Scheduling - Flex Periods
  7. TX: Child Find StudentProgram Interchange File

    TX: Child Find StudentProgram Interchange File Needs Sub-Complex Tag Changed for Delay Reason - Updated in 2022-2023 TWEDS

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  8. TX: Report Cards - Need Indicator/Comment for Credit Denied Due to Absences

    TX: Report Cards - Need Indicator/Comment for Credit Denied Due to Absences

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    Hello, this idea has been completed in the 12/21/2022 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    Attendance Based Grade Reporting - The Add credit denied due to excessive absences comment to the report card option was added allowing a 99-Credit Denied comment to be displayed on the Grades pages and report card when a student has a passing grade but was not awarded credit. When enabled, the code populates GRD.C1, GRD.C2, or GRD.C3 for the selected students.

  9. Weekly Progress and ParentSquare

    Weekly Progress - Adjust the Email and Text Message ParentSquare feature to Hide/Show scores based on Gradebook Options and Portal Options, for the following items:
    1. In the Email and Text Message feature of the Weekly Progress Email for ParentSquare. Hide the Scores and Percentage when the Gradebook Option - Display the Final Mark? - Parent/Student is not enabled or the Hide Overall Score from Parent/Student is enabled.
    2. Progress by Student – Hide the Scores and Percentage when the Gradebook Option - Display the Final Mark? - Parent/Student is not enabled or the Hide Overall Score from Parent/Student is…

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 6/28/2023 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    • Weekly Progress Report - The email message now honors the Show Final Mark To Parent Student and Hide Overall Score From Parent Student options as set on the Gradebook Options page.
    • Progress by Student - The gradebook report now honors the Hide Overall Score options as set on the Gradebook Options page.
    • Weekly Progress - For Aeries Communications customers, the Email now honors the Portal Option Only Show Check Marks for Assignment Scores to Parents and Students.
  10. 3 votes

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    Hello, this idea has been completed in the 8/18/2022 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Texas State Reporting - Several code tables were updated according to the 2022-2023 TWEDS data standards, including Service ID (C022).

  11. Import Test Results - Add Summative ELPAC 2020-2021 File Layout

    The Summative ELPAC scores are now available for import. Please add the ELPAC Test Results - SY: 2020-21 option to the Import Test Scores pull-down

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    3 comments  ·  Test Scores  ·  Admin →
  12. Parent Square Attendance notification does not display flex periods individually

    In Flex schools, allow the flex periods to display individually for Attendance notifications to Parent Square. Currently, the message appears as "one or more classes".

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  13. Import Test Results - Add a TSIA2 Import for Texas

    Add an import to Import Test Results for the TSIA2 (College Board - Accuplacer) test.

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  14. District Assets - Search Bar

    Search tab bar to quickly look-up textbook(s) barcode number instead of scrolling through page after page on the Item area.

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  15. CALPADS Code Translations need updated

    Code Translations need the NO LONGER IN USE codes removed. Thank you.

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  16. Summer School Course Requests - Add support for Flex/Section Staff to section dropdown

    Summer School Course Requests - Add support for Flex/Section Staff to section dropdown
    Logic exists to pre-determine conflicts by excluding sections from displaying in the dropdown by checking if a section is already scheduled within the same period and term. Because all sections say period 0 , they are not displaying properly since flex periods are not being evaluated

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 3/30/2023 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    • Course Request - For schools using flexible scheduling for summer school, the Sec# drop-down field now displays section staff information, including Flex Period Short Title, Staff ID, and Staff Name for each section. Also, all sections from the summer school scheduling master will now display in the section dropdown. See Summer School Scheduling.
  17. Add Class ID field from MST to the derived Class ID for the CALPADS extracts CRSE/C

    Add Class ID field from MST to the derived Class ID for the CALPADS extracts CRSE/C

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    2 comments  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 2/9/2023 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    CALPADS Extracts - The CRSE extract now allows using the MST.CID (Class ID) if populated, instead of the section number as part of the Class ID, which enables correct counts in the CALPADS 3.1 Class Size - By Content Area Report for classes that are combined into one class with the same teacher but different section numbers. See CALPADS in Aeries Basics - Master Schedule.

  18. Add option to print Legal or Preferred Name on work permits

    Work Permits currently prints the students preferred name. Employers would ask for legal documents from the students and they cannot verify the name on the students' legal document vs the name printed on the work permit. It would be very helpful to have the option to print either legal name or preferred name when printing work permits.

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    Hello, a fix for this issue was released on 11/16/2023. Here are the revision notes: The Print Student Legal Name option was added allowing users to include the student's legal name on the Print CDE B1-1 Statement of Intent To Employ and Print CDE B1-4 Permit to Employ or Work reports. The legal information is only printed for users who have permission to view legal name information (LSI table), and only if the student has a legal name.

  19. Transcripts and Virtual Schools Courses

    Transcripts and Virtual Schools - Add Option to report courses taken at Reporting School instead of School Taken

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    0 comments  ·  Transcripts  ·  Admin →

    Hello, the idea has been completed in the 01/25/22 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    Transcripts - A new Section School (HIS.SSC) field was added and is visible by clicking More. The new field was automatically populated for existing records based on data in the School Taken (HIS.ST) field for all records which have a valid section number (HIS.SE > 0).

    Copy Grades to Transcripts

    • The Populate School Taken with Home School option was added. (6903 - California Specific) (JS)
    • Processes that create new transcript records will now populate the Section School field when the existing Section field is populated: (6903 - California Specific) (JS)
      • Copy Grades to Transcripts
      • Grades (Copy to Transcript button)
      • Classes/Course Attendance (Issue Credit button)

    CALPADS Extracts - Files that use transcript data now rely on the new Section School (HIS.SSC) field instead of School Taken (HIS.ST) when determining where a section belongs. This logic…

  20. Add Period filters on Attendance Submission Log and Missing Attendance report in Flex Schools

    Add Period filters on Attendance Submission Log and Missing Attendance report in Flex Schools.

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