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  1. Security pages - Add option to hide disabled accounts

    On Security pages add an option to hide accounts with a status of Disabled.

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    1 comment  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this idea has been completed in the 08/31/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    Security – The User Type column has been added when searching or listing users on the Security pages. Also, when viewing lists of users, columns can now be sorted and filtered on.

  2. 504 Plan should have option to not auto close and keep it open.

    Currently, Aeries will generate end date of 504 plan every year and generate a new open date at the beginning of the year. I would like to have the option to not close automatically and keep the plan open.
    The most recent CALPADS dataguide says that 504 plan doesn't have to close every year.

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    10 comments  ·  504 Plans  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 03/18/22 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    CALPADS Extracts
    An option was added under Other Options to allow closing (default) or leaving open the 504 program records. Previously the program was closed thirty days prior to the end of the school year. See CALPADS Extracts - Other Options Tab
    The SPRG ODS process was updated to handle the reconciliation of 504 programs (program code 101) as an eligibility program. See CALPADS Extracts - SPRG ODS Reconciliation

  3. Co-Teacher for API / OneRoster - Teacher & Office Entry Access

    With remote-learning, we are now in need of something to better sync our co-teachers, sub-teacher support staff, & instructional aides with our online learning platforms.

    Is there a way to create a form accessible to both teachers & office staff ( users ) to allow adding an co-teachers & instructional aides to a class / section?

    When tagged / added, it would add that user to the OneRoster / Aeries API syncs so they can be imported by our online platforms?

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    Completed  ·  Kevin Praeger responded

    This item has been released with the 9/24/2020 update. Please see the revision notes for details.

  4. Parent Data Confirmation - Allow parents to upload documents

    Would like the ability to upload documents for returning students through the data confirmation process. This will also help in times when schools are closed.

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  5. Golden State Seal Merit Diploma - Add CA Science Test Criteria

    The Golden State Seal Merit Diploma (GSS) has added the CA Science Test (CAST) in grades 10 or 11 as an additional method to demonstrate mastery in Science. Please add this to the Golden State Seal page.

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    3 comments  ·  Reports  ·  Admin →
  6. Add ability to Define User Field Captions on Staff page

    Add ability to Define User Field Captions on Staff page

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    Completed  ·  Kevin Praeger responded

    Custom captions can now be configured for the Staff page, since the 10/23/2020 update.

  7. Global Messages to handle messages district-wide

    Modify school messages/global messages to handle messages from the district as well. This will allow school messages as it does today, but also handle district messages to display to all schools.

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    Completed  ·  Kevin Praeger responded

    This item was completed in a recent update. Global messages can now be pushed out district-wide.

  8. Global Messages should be at the top of the home page

    Move School and District Messages (Global Web Messages) to the top of the home page to make them more prominent. They should also be sorted by most recently modified.

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    Completed  ·  Kevin Praeger responded

    This project was completed in a recent Aeries update. Global Messages are now displayed at the top of the home page.

  9. Student Data Audit

    on the Student Data Audit, the warning "Offense assigned to a different school" is displayed for students when ADS.SCL <> STU.SC. This includes students who have moved to a different school, who were enrolled at the school in the incident on the date of the incident. The report should check their enrollment and not display a warning for those students.

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    1 comment  ·  Discipline  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, the changes to the Student Data Audit report have been completed in the 05/07/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    Student Data Audit Report:
    Students born inside the US were being warned with “The student initial US School Enrollment Date must be greater than 4 years from the student birth date”, fixed.
    Also, Programs 300-306 now look at Eligibility dates instead of participation dates.
    Also, a discipline warning was being unnecessarily generated by students who change schools “Offense assigned to a different school.”, fixed.

  10. Sync All Google Grades

    Grading requires that the teacher create the assignment and then import from Google classroom into Aeries (A fetch grades). This works, but if teachers have late work they have to double enter the scores. (into Google Classroom and into Aeries, or click the import again from within Aeries).

    It would be nice to have a button within Google classroom or Aeries for a teacher to click that will automatically sync all assignments (or the selected assignments) and maintain that sync if a teacher selects this option. Then, if grades are changed or new grades entered in Classroom Aeries would automatically…

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  11. Online Course Requests - Allow more than 1 Alternate course

    Online Course Requests and choosing Alternate Courses thru Aeries Student Portal – the current setup allows for a primary course selection, with 1 alternate course option. Is there a way to have 1 primary selection with 4 alternate selections (or another method that may accomplish the same result)?

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    0 comments  ·  Scheduling  ·  Admin →
  12. Immunization report to follow-up on exemptions

    Immunization status report - need a new report or an enhancement to the current one. The nurses need a report that lists students that currently have exemptions or need follow-up and are coded as such. Requesting the report to include vaccine name with the exemption, the exemption code, date and comments.

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    6 comments  ·  Medical  ·  Admin →

    Hello, the Student Immunization Status report has been updated to include Expired Exemptions in the 07/27/2023 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    New Features

    • Student Immunization Status Report - The Students  with Expired Exemptions option was added allowing users to generate a list of students with an exemption that expired on or before the selected process date.  See Immunizations.

    I am marking this Idea complete as we have completed the following:

    · The Immunization page now highlights in red if the Exemption Expiration Date is today or prior

    · The Student Immunization Status report has an option to print for Students with Expired Exemptions.

    This Report currently does not include the following but this are being considered in NexGen:

    · the exemption code

    · comments 

    ·  follow-up dates under Status of Requirements  sections of the Immunization page.

  13. Student Summons Call Slip - Display Student Name in larger font

    Make the name bigger at the top of the report - highlighting it would be great (yellow) or font in RED

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    1 comment  ·  Reports  ·  Admin →
  14. Summons call slips enhancements

    Summons call slip enhancements - 1) Student name needs to be larger and bold. 2) Clerk is stating if they are filtering by period, teacher, section, etc for a group of students, the summons should have clearly visible the room number to where it should be delivered based on the filter. 3) They should also be sorted alpha by room number for the filter that was used.

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  15. Mass Attendance Notes for a Date-Range

    Provide the ability to add attendance notes for a date range.

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    3 comments  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kevin Praeger responded

    The Mass Change Period Absences page can be utilized to enter an attendance note, with or without an absence. This feature was added in a previous release.

  16. Demographics - Move SSID to Header

    Add the SSID number on the demographics page to the demographics header so that is readily available.

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    2 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 07/17/20 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    Student Demographics – This page has been adjusted to provide for a full student header bar, matching the header layout of other student-related pages.

  17. Special Ed (CASEMIS) Import - Add Grad Plan Field

    Please bring back the ability to import the Grad Plan (CSE.GP) in the CASEMIS Import process. It used to be available in the pre-2018 version. SEIS is able to add the field to the nightly import and it would be easier to have the data imported rather than someone maintaining the field by hand.

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  18. Referrals for Intervention Approvals - Inactive and pre-enrolled students are displaying.

    Referrals for Intervention Approvals - Inactive and pre-enrolled students are displaying. Referral Approvals should be limited to only students with teachers that belong to that site.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, A fix for this issue was released on 10/5/2023. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Referrals Approval - The Include Inactive Students option was added allowing users to view only active students, or both active and inactive students.

  19. Course Requests page more like New Classes page

    Previously the Classes and Course Request forms were almost identical; with the new Classes Form came many valuable enhancements, including the Edit function which allowed a counselor to see when sections were available. In the latter stages of fixing the SMS schedule, the functionality of the Edit capacity on the Classes form would make changes easier while working in SMS and using the Course Requests form. Several client districts switch to MST in the late summer to allow counselors to take advantage of this Classes form feature; 4x4 block schools really need to see available sections which might be in…

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    2 comments  ·  Scheduling  ·  Admin →

    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 5/24/2022 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    Course Request

    • Full editing of the available columns will be enabled.
    • New blank rows can be added by 1 or 10 rows at a time.
    • As part of the restructure of the page, added Class Link functionality to the Add, Edit and Delete section process.
    • When a section is added that does not match an assigned Team Course Group Number, a warning message will appear.
    • When searching for a course to be added or edited in a course request, users can now replace the existing section number with the new section without having to delete the existing section.
  20. Copy Student from Another Database Suffix

    We need the ability to copy 1 student from another database suffix (same feature that was available in AeriesCS).

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