Aeries Ideas
595 results found
Search Courses by State Course ID
It would be very helpful to be able to search courses by state course ID directly within the Courses tab, not just by the local course ID.
12 votesThis item was completed back in April of 2024 but the Status was not changed.
Adjust Socio-Economic Disadvantaged Status Calculation
Adjustments are needed in Aeries Analytics because of changes CALPADS is making for Parent/Guardian information on the SINF file. Education Level is now being collected separately for Guardian 1 and Guardian 2, Currently one method the student meets the definition is if the highest education level in STU.PED is Not A High School Graduate.
70 votesHello, a fix for this issue was released on 06/04/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:
Aeries Analytics (LCAP Indicators) - The Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Status now uses the Ed Level field on the Contacts page (CON.ELV) instead of Student Parent Education Level (STU.PED) to determine student's Socio-Economically Disadvantaged status, according to changes in CALPADS requirements. The criteria is now based on both parent's highest education level being equivalent to 'not a high school graduate,' unless only one parent is reported to CALPADS. Contacts are identified as Parent/Guardians based on Record Type field (CON.CD) according to District Settings. See Analytics Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Students or Chart of LCAP Indicators.
Adjust Data Confirmation to support separate Education Levels for Parents/Guardians
Adjustments needed because of changes CALPADS is making for Parent/Guardian information on the SINF file: Data is now being collected separately for Guardian 1 and Guardian 2: First Name, Last Name, Education Level.
Move any reference to Highest Parent Ed Level into section collecting Contact Info for Parent/Guardian. Use new field on Contacts to hold this information (CON.ELV) - same codes as old STU.PED field and allow parents to enter/update data as part of DC process.
73 votesHello, this item has been completed in the 07/23/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes: -
Adjust Online Enrollment to support separate Education Levels for Parents/Guardians
Adjustments needed because of changes CALPADS is making for Parent/Guardian information on the SINF file: Data is now being collected separately for Guardian 1 and Guardian 2: First Name, Last Name, Education Level.
Move current question regarding Parent Ed Level into section collecting Parent/Guardian Info instead of the Student info. Use new field on Contacts to hold this information (CON.ELV) - same codes as old STU.PED field
85 votesHello, this item has been completed in the MM/DD/YY update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Import Student – Importing Students from Online Enrollment now supports the Contact Education Level field.
Adjust CALPADS SINF extract to support separate Education Levels for Parents/Guardians
Adjustments needed because of changes CALPADS is making for Parent/Guardian information on the SINF file: Data is now being collected separately for Guardian 1 and Guardian 2: First Name, Last Name, Education Level.
Need to move extract from taking data from Parent/Guardian field (STU.PG) and now take it from the Contact table.
23 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 02/12/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- District Settings – A selection list was added under District Settings for specifying which Record Type codes (CON.CD) represent the parent/guardian.
- CALPADS Extracts – The SINF extract now gets the Parent/Guardian information from the CON table.
- The option to choose between residential and mailing address was removed. SINF and SIAD now only use the mailing address.
Also, the Parent Highest Education Level field (STU.PED) has been made visible/editable on Student Demographics even if the field is empty.
Staff page does not work when field restrictions are placed on a group's permission to the STF table
Staff page does not work when field restrictions are placed on a group's permission to the STF table
1 voteThis item has passed testing and shipped on 2/12/2021
2 votes
Ability to have both Standards Based Grading and Regular Grading in a K-8 School with period attendance.
We have a K-8 School that uses period attendance. The k-3 students only have 1 teacher for period 0. They would need to enter grades using Standards based Grading. However the remainder of the school grades 4-8 use regular grading. We would like the ability to offer both in one school based on grade level. The only alternative right now would be splitting the school up into 2 different school sites, which is a logistical nightmare for both reports, integrations, etc.
6 votesHello! This feature has been added as of the 6/17/2021 Aeries version! Here is the revision note:
School Options
Options were added to allow doing both Elementary Standards Based Grading (SBG) and Secondary Grade Reporting (GRD) in the same school and to define the grades that each apply to. These options are for future use in Aeries. -
Add Scheduling Group column on Classes screen.
Add Scheduling Group column on Classes Schedule screen next to the Section number
2 votesHello,
This idea has been completed and is available in the 04/30/2021 update.
Thank you.
Add code 31 "GED" to Exit Reason on Attendance Enrollment and Enrollment History
Texas customers would like to use the code 31 with description "GED" for movers. This code should be available in the dropdowns on the Attendance Enrollment page under Reason (ATT.RS) when ATT.CD = L (Ent/Lv) and on Enrollment History in the dropdown for ENR.ER (Exit Reason).
1 voteHello, this idea has been completed in the 8/18/2022 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Enrollment History - In the Exit Reason (ENR.ER) field, code 310 was created for TxCHSE (TxCHSE = Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency).Attendance Enrollment - In the Reason (ATT.RS) field, code 310 was created for TxCHSE (TxCHSE = Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency).
Disable Generate RCH for non-SBG report cards
see PR 22185
3 votesHello, this idea (or bug) has been completed in the 7/2/2024 update.
Here are the Revision Notes:
Standards Based Grades > Functions > Update SBG Attendance Totals - When the process was run, SBG attendance records were incorrectly added for new students who were enrolled after the grading cycle was initialized, causing blank report cards to be printed for these students. Now SBG attendance records are only added for students who were enrolled when the grading cycle was initialized. This also resolves the issue of RCH records being incorrectly generated.
SBG Report card Printing Options - Error in formatting
SBG report card printing with option Return Address Block at the top, please move the top line (District Name) 3/4 " from Top of the page.
The USPS requires this for the District name, school name, Address, City State and Zip to fit in the Window Envelope.1 voteHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 01/05/21 Out-of-Band update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Issues Resolved
Standards Based Report Card – The two-column report card when using the Print Address Block Legal option did not properly fit the standard window envelope format, fixed. -
Weekly Instructional Minutes - Allow Long-Term Subs to certify
Long-Term subs need the ability to certify the Weekly Instructional Minutes page since they are the ones instructing students at this time and tracking the participation in Attendance.
7 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 02/12/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Weekly Instructional Minutes – *
The page now allows all associated teachers who could normally submit attendance to certify a class. *
The staff dropdown was updated to only include teachers. -
Load Grades From Gradebook needs to keep the focus on the Teacher
On the Grades by Teacher Page, when using the Load Grades from Gradebook feature, the page needs to stay on the selected teacher.
When the teacher name is entered in the Search box, the page will return to the first teacher in the list after importing grades.
The focus will stay on the selected teacher when clicking the mouse on the teacher name in the teacher list and not using the Search box.2 votesHello, the idea has been completed in the 04/15/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes: Grades By Teacher – Highlight the teacher after importing grades from gradebook, fixed.
Include all past, current, future classes in OneRoster Enrollments endpoint
Would like an option to include past, current, and future classes in the OneRoster "enrollments" API endpoint. Using SEC, current and future classes are available but using CAR, past and current classes are available, but there is no way to get all from the enrollments endpoint at this time.
3 votesThis was completed in a previous release. OneRoster now uses Course Attendance (CAR) data for the Enrollments and Classes endpoints.
Test Scores widget on the Profile Page - show all test parts for the same test
The profile screen currently shows the most recent tests. It appears to pull from the date field right now. If a student finishes different parts of their ELPAC tests on different days, it will not show all of their results on the profile screen even though the test was taken in the same month. I would like to request Aeries to pull from the test admin field instead of the date taken field.
2 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 07/15/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes: -
Internships - Add CALPADS highlighting
Please add CA State Code Highlighting to the Internships page, based on the Work-Based Learning Type selected so customers can see what fields are required when doing data entry.
8 votesHello, this item has been completed in the 03/19/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Internships – For California users, the page now allows State Report highlighting based on the Work-Based Learning Type code selected. -
Mobil App Grade Colors
Aeries Mobile Portal Apps - Add a setting to allow users to enable or disable the color in the grades screen.
2 votesHello, the idea has been completed in the 1/30/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
• Settings – A new option was added to the Settings to disable the colors in the Grades screen.
• Dark Mode is now supported. -
Weekly Instructional Minutes sometimes hides sections
Weekly Instructional Minutes Certification display hides weeks when certain date ranges are selected, but displays them within a different date range.
3 votesHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 12/17/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Section data was not displayed for sections whose CAR and MST Start and End Date Range started before the selected start date and ended before the selected end date, fixed.
Print Student and Email Addresses Report - add Sort by Teacher option
Add the ability to sort by period in the Print Student and Parent Email Addresses Report Options.
5 votesHello! This item was completed and shipped in the 7/29/2021 version of Aeries!
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