Aeries Ideas
584 results found
Flex Attendance is not cleared by No Show process
In a Flex school, attendance for student's is not cleared by the No Show process.
12 votesHello,
This item has been completed and is available on the 09/09/2021 Aeries update.
Thank you
CRDC Course Groupings
I would like to be able to use State Course Codes to group the Courses in addition to selecting individual Course records on the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) setup form. IE: State codes 9255 = Geometry. This would reduce the set-up time.
12 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 11/18/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Civil Rights Data Collection – The Courses tab has been updated to include selections for Computer Science and AP Computer Science. The corresponding calculations have also been updated. Also, added capability to filter by State Course ID (Service ID for Texas users).
Add Flex Periods to Push and Pull
Add the Flex Period to the Push and Pull Setup tables functionality. It will help to reduce repetitive data entry.
12 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 3/2/2022 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- Push and Pull Setup Tables - The Flex Periods (FTF) table generated an error when copied, fixed.
Search Courses by State Course ID
It would be very helpful to be able to search courses by state course ID directly within the Courses tab, not just by the local course ID.
12 votesThis item was completed back in April of 2024 but the Status was not changed.
Email Signature option for Send Emails
Allow for an email signature to be applied when using the Send Emails page. This would allow a teacher to easily identify themselves in the email, could provide office hours, and contact information.
12 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 08/17/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Send Emails – A new feature to add email signatures and attachments has been added.
Remove green highlighting from retired CALPADS fields
Because the Highly Qualified field is no longer reported to CALPADS and is obsolete, please turn off the green highlight from the Teachers page and the MST/SMS pages.
Other fields to be addressed:
NCLB Core fields
Voc Ed Level12 votesThis was completed with the 11/6/2020 update to Aeries.
PSTS-Need ability to record multiple CALPADS Post-Secondary Status
Brandi with CDE confirmed that CALPADS is supporting multiple status codes for one student. We were not aware of this when we reviewed and programmed the PSTS extract based on the new code set and the file layout.
WORKAROUND: We will make adjustments in the future, but for the current Fall 2 PSTS reporting, we are only extracting one status code per student.
12 votesHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 11/06/20 update. Here are the Revision Notes: The PSTS extract was adjusted according to the latest CALPADS specification. The new Post-Secondary Survey (PSS) table is used for the extract, and the SSD table is no longer used. The Post-Secondary Survey table is located as a separate tab on the Secondary Student Data page. See CALPADS Extract: Fall 2
Post Secondary File (PSTS) – -
Import Test Results - Update NWEA Map to 2023/24 year
Update the NWEA Map to the 2023/24 school year and add the new test parts:
ID - MAPLUSE Part - Writing: Write, Revise Texts for Purpose and Audience
ID - MAPREAD Part - Literatura
ID - MAPREAD Part - Texto literario
ID - MAPREAD Part - Texto Informativo11 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 03/14/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
When Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking is enabled do not allow the Staff ID number to be visible to parents or students.
When Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking is enabled do not allow the Staff ID number to be visible to parents or students. This ID could be linked to personal staff information that should not be made visible.
11 votesHello, this issue has been resolved in the 4/27/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Parent/Student Portal - The Staff ID is now hidden on the Student Demographics, Course Attendance, and Special Ed pages.
Select Periods for MST Board Report
Allow the ability to select which period to display on the MST Board report. Currently, this is based on a start time - but allowing districts to select which periods to print can display the primary MST schedule and allow the second page to be the unique flex periods.
11 votesHello, this idea (or bug) has been completed in the 7/2/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Scheduling Process > Flex SMS Board - At schools using Flex Scheduling, the Flex Periods to Print button is now displayed instead of the Start Time drop-down option. The new button opens a list of existing Flex periods, including title and start/end times, allowing the user to select up to ten periods to print. This feature is also available when using the Print Board button on the Flex MST Board page.
District Assets - Search Bar
Search tab bar to quickly look-up textbook(s) barcode number instead of scrolling through page after page on the Item area.
11 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 09/17/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
11 votes
Hello, a fix for this issue was released on 9/17/24. Here are the relevant revision notes:
- School Info > Staff - For schools using Flex Scheduling, the following were added and changed in the Scheduling Master Schedule Classes and Master Schedule Classes sections. See Flex Scheduling - Staff Data.
- The Per (Period) column is now sorted by term, start time, then short title.
- A Total Stu field was added for each section which displays the Total from Scheduling Master (SMS.TS) or Master Schedule (MST.TS).
- The Max Seats field was added for each section which displays the Max (maximum students) from Scheduling Master (SMS.MX) or Master Schedule (MST.MX).
- If Total Stu exceeds Max, the Total Stu value is displayed in bold red font.
- A Total Sections count was added to the subtotal footer row which displays the total number of sections for the staff member.
- A Total Seats count…
Import Test Results - Update i-Ready File Layout to Honor New Fields
Update the i-Ready file layout to honor new fields that were introduced after we released the i-Ready import.
11 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 08/31/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Update US School K-12 Entry Date with Earliest K-12 Date returned by CALPADS SSID Extract
When requesting SSIDs for new students, CALPADS is now returning the Earliest K-12 School entry Date. If the date stored in the US School K-12 Date in the Language Assessment screen is different or blank, update the LAC.USS with the date from CALPADS.
Note this change will not be done until CALPADS resolves Known Issue 5734: SSID Extract pulling most recent enrollment date instead of earliest K-12 enrollment date.
11 votesHello, this AeriesIdea item has been completed in the 7/13/21 update. Here are the pertinent Revision Note(s):
CALPADS Extracts
The SSID import now includes “Earliest Enrollment Start Date K-12”. The LAC.USS field will be updated if the date in the file is different than the one in the system.
Standards Based Grades - Increase Grading Periods for Progress Reports
Currently SBG only allows for 4 grading windows - increase this up to 6 or more to allow the use of progress reports.
11 votesHello, in the 6/20/2024 update we released a new Standards Based Progress Report feature that we think will satisfy this request.
Here is the updated documentation:
and here are the revision notes:
CALPADS Work-Based Learning Extract (WBLR)
A new extract is being created to submit data related to student internships, student-led enterprises, and virtual/simulated work-based learning. This Work-Based Learning (WBLR) file will be submitted and certified as part of the CALPADS End-of-Year (EOY) 1 submission. Work-based learning provides additional opportunities for students to demonstrate their preparedness for college/career through the College/Career Indicator (CCI) on the California School Dashboard.
11 votesHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 11/06/20 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
CALPADS Extracts
The new Work-Based Learning (WBLR) extract was added. The extract information is pulled from the recently updated Internships (ISP) table. The extract is located on the EOY tab. Refer to the documentation for more detailed information. See CALPADS Extract – EOY – Work-Based Learning (WBLR) and Internships. -
CALPADS SPRG Reconciliation needs to create Delete records
Adjust the SPRG ODS Reconciliation process to create Delete records for programs that are in the CALPADS ODS but not in Aeries. Currently, the process only compares existing program records.
11 votesThis issue was resolved in the August 25th release.
Add preschool defaults to Configure Vaccination Requirements
Add default immunization requirements for preschool students to Configure Vaccination Requirements page.
11 votesThis idea was completed with the 10/23/2020 update to Aeries with thee following revision note:
Configure Vaccination Requirements – The “Load Defaults” button on this page has been adjusted to load PreSchool/Child-Care values as well as TK/K-12 values. PreSchool/Child-Care values are loaded based on age in months, while TK/K-12 values are loaded based on Grade. Changes have been made to the vaccination requirement logic to ignore age-based requirements if a grade-based requirement exists that applies to the current student’s grade-level, as to not disqualify a TK/K-12 student based on being under 60 months (which is the high age in months for most PreSchool/Child-Care vaccination requirements). Also the age in months logic was inaccurate when a student’s birthday was in the current month but had not yet occurred, fixed.
Allow parents to upload documents in Online Enrollment
Allow parents to upload documents as part of the online registration process. This include Online Enrollment, as well as Data Confirmation processes in Aeries. Parents would be required to upload certain documents, whereas others may be optional.
11 votesHello! This was released in the 3/12/2020 update! Here is the revision note:
This new step in the enrollment process allows parents to upload specific files requested by the district. These documents will be then available for review when importing into Aeries, and ultimately stored in the Aeries Student Documents table. -
Staff Schedule Report for Flex
Please add a Flex version of the Staff Schedule Report and add some of the same options that were available. Multiple staff rely on this report.
10 votesHello, a fix for this issue was released on 5/7/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:
Scheduling Process > MST Board (Print Board button) or View All Reports > Master Schedule Board Report - For schools using Flex Scheduling, the following report options were added to provide Flex schools more information about the master schedule and staffing: See Flex Scheduling - Master Schedule Board
- Print Room Numbers - will print the room number for the teacher/section from MST
- Print Section Numbers - will print the section number of the class from MST
- Print Total Students - will print the total number of students in the section based on the MST total students field (MST.TS)
- Print Primary Classes Only (only available if Track Primary Classes is enabled for the school). If selected for the report, only classes where Primary Class is selected on the Master Schedule page are included, a
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