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  1. Allow push and pull setup tables to more than just admins

    I believe we should be able to delegate security to roles such as these. We should have to have to have our system administrator do these types of things. The system administrator controls security.
    Here is an article on the topic I am asking about:

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  2. Mass Change Period Absences by List of Students

    When using the Mass Change Period Absences by List of Students it would be so useful if there was an All Day box we could check that would enter the 2nd/3rd ADA period code into the All Day box automatically. Right now I use this page to enter all the period codes and a note but I then have to go back and individually enter the code into the All Day box because it doesn't upload automatically. This is the only page that allows us to see if a code is already entered for students so that we don't override…

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    0 comments  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →

    This was completed on the 4/15/2021 version.
    Here is the revision note:
    Mass Change Period Absences – This page now supports Primary and Secondary ADA Times as defined on the School Options and Calendar pages. These times are available for schools utilizing Attendance Time for All Day Attendance Management on School Options. When attendance is taken for students in a period that meets during the Primary ADA time, the All-Day Code will be updated automatically. Also, when a Secondary ADA Time is defined, students who do not have a class during the Primary ADA Time on a day will have their All-Day Code updated when attendance is taken during their class that meets during the Secondary ADA Time. Using a tardy code in a period during the ADA Time will clear an All-Day absence.

  3. Flex SMS Board - Bring back the Group by Department display option

    When you view the SMS Board in Flex, the option to Group by Department is missing. It's a key tool for building complex schedules at a high school. Please add this feature to Flex.

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    0 comments  ·  Scheduling  ·  Admin →

    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 7/20/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    Flex SMS Board – The Group by Department feature has been added to this board for both Timeline and Period View. Also, the current time marker (vertical red line) has been removed.

  4. District Year to Date Attendance (YTD) Report

    The Year to Date Attendance (YTD) Report when run from the District -   remove the District option in the school selection dropdown; individual schools print at the District level and that functionality should be kept

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    0 comments  ·  Reports  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, the idea has been completed in the 06/08/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    Aeries Navigation – Several reports were removed from the District level.

  5. Language Assessment - Retitle Redesignation Date Field to RFEP

    To be in alignment with CALPADS verbiage, rename the Redesignation Date field in the Language Assessment table to RFEP Date. Currently the EL and IFEP Dates are in alignment.

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    0 comments  ·  Language  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this idea has been completed in the 08/2/2022 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    Language Assessment

    The Redesignation Dt label was renamed to RFEP Date in order to match CALPADS.

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  7. Master Schedule-The staff selector is not including Staff IDs linked by TCH or STJ when the primary school is different then TCH & STJ

    Master Schedule - The staff selector is not including Staff IDs linked by TCH or STJ when the primary school is different then TCH or STJ.

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  8. Print SBG Report Card - Remove "All" from Grades Selection When Grade Levels Use Different Report Card Types

    The "All" option should be removed from the Grades dropdown in the Print SBG Report Cards when the grade level report card layouts in SBG Options are not all identical. Currently the "All" is still available if there are no students in the grade level with the differing report card layout.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, This was completed in the October 1st, 2021 update with changes to the Standard Based Report card to support Flex and Primary Class Tracking schools.

  9. Modify the Section Staff Search at the school level, to include teachers assigned with a Primary school at the district

    Please modify the section staff search to include teachers who are assigned to the district. This will allow them to be assigned to a master schedule at a school.

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  10. Update Import Test Results for ELPAC 2019-20 Data Changes

    Update the Import Test Results process for the ELPAC test to allow for the deletion of select incomplete tests and the insert/update of other ELPAC test results.

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  11. Foster Details Page - Allow all districts to view this page

    Currently only Orange County districts have access to the Foster Details page. Remove restrictions so all customers have access to the page.

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    0 comments  ·  Programs  ·  Admin →
  12. Online Enrollment Import Page - Add Filter and Sort Options

    Add sort and filter options for the Online Enrollment Import page.

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  13. CRDC - Include Pre-School Student Counts

    Please include the Preschool Module PreSchool Enrollment (PSCH-1) data in the Civil Rights Data Collection extract in Aeries.

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  14. Cal Grant - Add option to print Legal or Preferred Student Name

    For our students who have legal name hidden, the Cal Grant GPA Export run from Aeries is only showing preferred name which does not not matching the Cal grant application (legal name) and therefore those students are not considered for or eligible for financial aid. Please add an option on what name to print.

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    Hello, a fix for this issue was released on 1/11/2024. Here are the revision notes:

    School Info > Imports and Exports > Cal Grant GPA Export - The Print Student Legal Name option was added allowing users with permission to the Legal Student Information table (LSI) to include the legal name and gender in the extract file, and to print the legal name in the GPA Listing report, if populated. Otherwise the preferred name and gender are extracted. Gender is no longer included in the report.

  15. Add a field for Staff Legal name on STF

    We have to use our staff's legal name for any state reporting. However, our district allow our staff members to operate with a preferred name. I am asking for a space for a staff legal name so we can use the preferred name everywhere else in the system (master schedule, portals, Staff table).

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    Hello, this idea has been completed in the 3/21/2024 update. Here are the relevant Revision Notes:

    School Info > Staff - See Staff documentation.
    The following fields were added allowing a staff member's legal name and gender to be recorded. Schools can use the existing non-legal name and gender fields for the staff's preferred name and gender. These fields are not included in state reporting extracts at this time.

    • Legal Last Name (STF.LLN)
    • Legal First Name (STF.LFN)
    • Legal Middle Name (STF.LMN)
    • Legal Suffix (STF.LSF)
    • Legal Gender (STF.LGN)
  16. Classroom Attendance using Section Staff - Allow staff that have an SSE.ED populated to still display in Classroom Attendance.

    Classroom Attendance using Section Staff - Allow staff that have an SSE.ED populated to still display in Classroom Attendance.

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  17. Student Attendance Detail add student's CTE Code V1 - V6 status by date

    On the Student Attendance Detail, the CTE code V1 - V6 displayed for each student in the Programs area does not reflect a code change during overlapping CAR dates (when the student was enrolled in more than one CTE section, and when the CAR dates for the 1+ sections are not the same). If a student is in CTE, their student page should reflect the student's status of V1 - V6 by date so that the customer can tell how many days the student was V1 vs. V2, etc., during the reporting period.

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    1 comment  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →
  18. Add option for Inactive teachers in Weekly Instructional Minutes

    I know this was done by design because districts specifically requested that inactive teachers be suppressed from the drop-down lists, but this is affecting teachers that left mid-year now too! So now we can't audit the minutes certifications for any teacher that left mid-year. This is an audit issue! We need to access inactive teachers, so can it please be added as an option we can check on the Weekly Instructional Minutes page.

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  19. CALPADS - SINF Change to look at Contacts should be an option

    Make SINF change to look at Contacts selectable under Other Options so it can be selected when we are ready to make the change.

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    0 comments  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this item has been completed in the 2/19/21 Out-Of-Band Update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    CALPADS Extracts

    1) A new setting was added under Other Options to force Parent/Guardian information (SINF/SIAD) to be extracted exclusively from STU.PG and STU.PED. The option is deselected by default. See CALPADS Extracts – Other Options Tab

    2) The Parent/Guardian Highest Education Level will always be pulled from STU.PED, even when processing Guardian information from the CON table. This will remain in place until CALPADS changes the SINF file layout in preparation for 22-23.

  20. CALPADS SDEM - Staff extract was extracting staff with Hire dates up to October 31.

    CALPADS SDEM Extract: Adjust the query that selects staff to use the Census Date rather than October 31 when evaluating the hire date and the Job Assignment Start Date (STJ). Only extract Staff as of Information Day.

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    Hello, this item has been completed in the 2/19/21 Out-Of-Band Update. Here are the Revision Notes:
    CALPADS Extracts
    The Staff Demographics (SDEM) extract was adjusted to evaluate the staff hire date against the Census Date, instead of October 31st as it was required before.

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