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  1. CERS Student Groups - Add API Functionality to Scheduled Import

    Now that the Scheduled Process is working, please enable the extracts to be sent directly to TOMS via the API feature.

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  2. Adjust the fixed codes for the STU.BCU field to match the CALPADS Code Set

    Add the missing codes per CALPADS into the AeriesFixedCodes.xml file for STU.BCU:
    BQ - Bonaire, Sint Enstatiues and Saba
    CW - Curacao
    SS - South Sudan

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  3. CALPADS CRSC file issue for hand entered Transcript records for CTE courses

    CALPADS CRSC File is not extracting the Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range Code and the Content Standards Alignment Code for hand entered CTE Dual Enrollment Courses. Programming needs to be adjusted to extract the data from the Course (CRS table).

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    The issue has been resolved with the 7/20/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    CALPADS Extracts (California) - The  CRSC extract did not use data in the Courses table (CRS) for the Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range Code and Content Standards Alignment Code columns, fixed. Data for these columns is now extracted from the CRS table when the transcript record is manually entered for a CTE course and has no matching section in the Master Schedule.

  4. SENR ODS reconciliation - unneeded removal records generated

    The SENR ODS reconciliation process is creating D records in the removals file needlessly when a student has an enrollment status change (such as grade level, school transfer) - commonly referred to as a 440 or E150 change. In these cases the enrollment date (start date) is not changing... nor are the other SENR operational key fields (School of Attendance, SSID, Start Date) - so a (D)elete record is not needed.

    Having uneeded (D)elete records in the removals file causes increased workload due to:
    - it requires an additional file to be posted.

    • since removing records represents potential data loss,…
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    0 comments  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 3/23/2023 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    An unnecessary Delete record was generated when an E150 Exit Reason existed and the School, Student, and Enrollment Start Dates were the same, fixed.

  5. Query Report won't page break when using any Extended Field in Query

    When including any Extended Field in a query and attempting to use the Page Break option from the Report button, the page break will not work.

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    Hello, this work item has been completed and was released on 11/19/24. Here are the relevant revision notes: 

    • Query - The query report did not insert page breaks correctly when sorting by extended fields. The page breaks are now inserted correctly in the report when sorting by extended fields. 
  6. CALPADS SPRG process - Adjust Program Start/End Dates to Enrollment Dates when CALPADS 504 option is de-selected

    When the CALPADS option SPRG 504 Plans: Extract as an eligibility program with the program start date is de-selected, it should be analyzing enrollment dates and using enrollment Start and End dates instead of dates from FOF table if an FOF record exists and spans across school years.

    Currently, there is no logic to handle programs that span across different school years. An example would be a FOF records that spans from 09/22/2022 to 09/11/2023 or from 12/5/2022 to 12/5/2023

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    0 comments  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this idea (or bug) has been completed in the 07/27/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    CALPADS Extracts - The SPRG Reconciliation extract no longer creates Removals and Exits records for 504 Plans that span multiple years unless the SPRG 504 Plans... option is selected. 

  7. Confidential checkbox on student group setup screen

    It would be great if we had the ability to check a box alongside the teacher view / communication view checkboxes that would make a student group sync to Communications as a Confidential group within Communications. Ideally flipping that switch on in Aeries would toggle the option on in ParentSquare, with the ability to control within parentsquare feeding back and changing the value in Aeries... but in the meantime a box within Aeries that forces it to be enabled in parentsquare would be ok.

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  8. Student Attendance Percentages report - Adjust for Flex scheduling using Positive attendance

    Student Attendance Percentages report - Adjust for Flex scheduling using Positive Attendance

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  9. If an Itinerant Course (MST.IT = Yes) does not fall on Census Day, do not extract a CRSE record.

    If an Itinerant Course (MST.IT = Yes) does not fall on Census Day, do not extract a CRSE record.

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    0 comments  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →

    Hello, this idea (or bug) has been completed in the 12/14/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    School Info > Exports and Imports > CALPADS Extracts

    • In flex and non-flex schools, the CALPADS > Fall 2 > Create Course Files (CRSE/SCSE) extract included sections that did not fall on the Census Date for itinerant teachers, which generated CERT079 error in CALPADS. The CRSE process for Itinerant Teachers now only extracts sections that meet on Information Day (Census Day).  See Flex Scheduling - CRSE Extract or CALPADS in Aeries Basic - Master Schedule.
  10. TX: TREx - Inclusion of Courses Not Passed/Completed

    Courses students have failed, not completed, or are in progress need to be included in TREx Extraction per TEA guidance.

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    Hello, this item has been completed in the update that was shipped 6/1/2023. Here are the revision notes:

    TREx (Student Record)

    • The CourseGrade and CourseCredit elements are now extracted for the CurrentCoursework complex. See TREx Field Mapping.
    • The CurrentCoursework and AcademicSession complexes now include courses that were failed or completed but no credit was received.
  11. Early Childhood Income Ceilings for the 2023-2024 School Year

    Update the Income Ceilings for 801A and 9600 Form Changes (Early Child Development, State Preschool) in Aeries

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  12. CCGI Extract Does Not Include Duplicate Transcript Records in Same Term

    The CCGI extract ignores the second course a student takes with the same course code, mark, credits attempted and credits completed in a single semester (we use F/S). Our quarter classes are not extracting correctly. The quarter classes are added to the transcript with the semester term values of 1 and 2, so some students will have 2 records with the same year, course code and term for their quarter classes. When these students receive the same mark for both quarters, then the 2nd mark will not be included in the CCGI Extract.

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    A fix for this issue was released on 10/26/2023. Here are the revision notes:

    CCGI Extract - The extract only created one CourseGradeTemplate record for students with multiple transcript records with the same grade and year. Now the extract includes all transcript records.

  13. FLEX SMS/MST board to print by department

    Add FLEX SMS/MST board to print by department

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  14. Email List Page and Counselor Name

    Email List page - When the Staff ID Based Counselor option is enabled, the Email List page needs to be enhanced to look at STU.CNS instead of STU.CU for Counselor in Secondary and Flex schools.

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    Hello, a fix for this issue was released on 2/22/2024. Here are the revision notes: Student Data > Other > Email List

    • For secondary schools and schools using Flex Scheduling, the Counselor field now honors the Staff ID Based Counselor setting on School Options and displays the value from the Counselor field (STU.CNS) on Demographics, instead of Teacher Number (STU.CU), accordingly.
    • For elementary schools, the Counselor field was added and displays the value from the Counselor field (STU.CNS) on Demographics.
  15. Add MassChangeATTCodesDaily.aspx to NAV for Flex / Daily schools

    Make the MassChangeATTCodesDaily.aspx page visible for Flex / Elementary Schools and ensure the process still works with this school type and attendance type.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 10/6/2022 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    Mass Change All Day ATT Codes - The page is now available in the Aeries navigation menu for all Daily schools.

  16. In Flex Schools, the Period Absence Audit report printed by teacher should display attendance for all classes

    When printing this report in Flex Schools, the Period Absence Audit Report when sorted by Teacher should display all classes for the student instead of just the one belonging to the teacher. This report is not efficient when printing each student's absence for the given teacher without seeing the entire schedule along with absence to determine the anomaly. For example, the outcome of the report should display just as printed by Student where it shows all classes except it should be sorted by the Teacher so that each teacher can determine if their attendance is correct or needs to be…

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    0 comments  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been completed in the 12/15/2022 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    Print Period Absence Audit - The report has been updated to handle flex schools. The absence audit options are now honored. The change affects flex schools (positive & negative attendance).

  17. API Staff Endpoint and Expired Staff Accounts

    API Staff Endpoint - Add staff with no UGN records when "Exclude Expired Accounts for Staff Data" option is enabled

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    0 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →

    Hello, a fix for this issue was released on 07/16/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:

    • Aeries API - When the Exclude Expired Accounts for Staff Data option is enabled on the API Security page, staff records are no longer excluded from the Staff endpoint results in cases where the staff record exists but does not have a user account in the User and Group Names table (UGN).

  18. TX: Hide Career Pathway Pages

    Career Pathways pages are visible for Texas users and need to be 'hidden'

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    Hello, this idea has been completed in the 07/20/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Career Pathways - For Texas users, the Career Pathways, Career Pathways Mass Add Events, Career Pathways Management, and Career Pathway Extract Files pages have been hidden, pending adjustments to enhance use.

  19. Scheduling Setup and Track Primary Classes option

    Currently the Scheduling Setup page allows the user to select "Track Primary Classes for Students for Next Year" without having the "Use Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking" Feature Flag turned on even though that setting is required to use Primary Class Tracking on the School Options page.
    Add a Check for the Staff ID Based Counselor setting when using the Track Primary Classes for Student for Next Year option.
    Also Add a Tool Tip message that says "In order to use this option, the Staff ID Based Counselor Feature Flag must be enabled."

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    Hello, I wanted to let you know that work on this item was completed and it was released to customers on 11/19/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:

    Scheduling Process > Configurations > Scheduling Setup - For schools using Flex Scheduling, when selecting Track Primary Classes for Students for Next Year, Aeries now checks that the Use Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking feature flag is enabled. If enabled, the user can select that scheduling option. If not enabled, the scheduling option cannot be selected, and a message is displayed when the user hovers over the tooltip notifying the user that the Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking Feature Flag must be enabled. See Converting from Elementary to Flex Next Year or Flex Scheduling Setup.

  20. Change CALPADS process to generate multiple SENR files

    Due to the changes CALPADS launched in their new environment, we must make immediate adjustments to the Enrollment Update Extracts

    When processing SENR reconciliation process, output into several files

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    0 comments  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 6/22/22 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    CALPADS Extracts - The SENR Operational Data Store (ODS) tab now provides SENR extracts that are output in a zip file which contains separate files which are required due to changes with the operational key fields in the SENR extract. The sub-files are prepended with the order in which they should be uploaded, 001, 002, 003, etc.

    Further refinements of this process are planned, including redesigning the Enrollment Update page. Until then, please use this process for all SENR updates needed. 

    See CALPADS Extracts - SENR ODS Reconciliation

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