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71 results found

  1. Equitable Grading Setting for Grade Books

    I would love to have a feature in Aeries where missing work is graded automatically as a 50% (F) not a 0%(F) so that one missing assignment does not throw off students' averages and tank their grade.

    I currently have to manually type in scores to make all Fs out of 50% and then students don't realize they are missing an assignment.

    I am a first year teacher so if there is a way to do this and I am just missing it please let me know.

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    4 comments  ·  Gradebook  ·  Admin →

    In the Aeries Gradebook, there is a gradebook option for "Min/Max Assignment Values". If you set the minimum to 50%, no student will receive a score less than 50%, even if they are given a 0 or a low score. More information about this feature can be found in our gradebook options documentation.

  2. State Seal of Biliteracy - Update for 2022 Requirements

    Update the State Seal of Biliteracy process to honor the following requirements for the 2022 graduates:
    1. 2022 Grads must pass the 11th Grade CAASPP ELA test with "Standard Met" or above, or they must pass a Locally Determined 11th Grade ELA test
    2. If a student took both the 11th Grade CAASPP and a Locally Determined 11th Grade ELA test, the better of the two scores will be used to determine eligibility
    3. If a student didn't take either of the tests during their 11th grade year, they can take the 11th grade tests during the 2021-22 year to…

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  3. Copy Students into Summer School - Create DPT Message To Record When the Process Completes

    Add a DPT record when the Copy Students into Summer Schools in the Current Database process completes.

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    Upon further review by programming, a DPT record is already created after the Copy Students into Summer Schools in the Current Database process completes. A DPT record with NM = 'SummerSchoolInitialized"  and a CD of the date when the process completed is written. 

    We have updated the summer school documentation to reflect this information. 

  4. Allow teachers to move horizontally in the gradebook.

    I would like the ability to fully move freely through the gradebook and be able to move horizontally through a single student's work, (without having to open just that students gradebook.) I find that only being able to move vertically through the assignment column slows me down.

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    0 comments  ·  Gradebook  ·  Admin →

    The Aeries Gradebook has the ability to move vertically with the left and right arrow keys, and horizontally with the tab and shift+tab keys.

  5. Remove CAHSEE ELA and CAHSEE Math from graduation status page.

    Please remove the "CAHSEE ELA" AND "CAHSEE Math" from the graduation status page. CAHSEE has been removed from the state's graduation requirement since end of 2015. It just confuses our parents and sites get questions on them every year.

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    0 comments  ·  Transcripts  ·  Admin →
  6. Multiple tabs open at the same time

    Imagine having the seating chart AND gradebook open AT THE SAME TIME. It would be much faster to go from tab to tab instead of having to close one and open up the other.

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    In Aeries and in most web applications, you can ctrl+click to open links in a new tab, or shift+click to open in a new browser window.

  7. Error message

    When a student is expelled, the expulsion is recorded in the assertive discipline history. The drop code for expulsions should be 165 and the student's status should be changed to expelled. The majority of our school sites are changing statuses to inactive and using the 160 drop code which is incorrect. This error will cause CALPADs to not reflect the correct drop code. Is there any way to send an error message to the school site if the student is not dropped with the correct code?

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    0 comments  ·  Discipline  ·  Admin →
  8. Attendance by Photo on the Teacher Portal

    In the Teacher Portal, we would like to be able to display the same custom fields from the regular attendance screen in the attendance by photo screen. For example, the user fields in demographics. Thanks

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    1 comment  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →

    On the Seating Chart, the teacher can click the i info icon to view additional information, which includes the additional attendance fields.

  9. Gradebook Query time freeze

    I am wondering if there's a report and/or query that can pull from the grade books for a student's specific grade in a specific date range. Even though an assignment(s) can vary in time range with the due dates and affect the grade of the student, want to make sure the report and/or query takes them into consideration when pulling grades for a specific date range. Like a time freeze for grades from the grade books. Something similar that we used in Illuminate, a "grade search".

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  10. Collab Teachers Full Access to Gradebook - Create Read-only permission

    When a Teacher is tagged in the MST.TN2 field as a collab teacher. They currently have access to edit and link the gradebook. Is it possible to create a tag or permission that will grant the collab teacher (MST.TN2) read only permissions to gradebook? This will eliminate any accidental errors the collab teacher may make in the gradebook.

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    0 comments  ·  Gradebook  ·  Admin →
  11. Interventions - force update of fields before saving

    The most common code is "Reason for Intervention" on the Intervention screen. Please add a way to force an update of the most important fields before being able to save the form. Similar to how Assertive Discipline forces you to update some fields before you can save the incident.

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  12. Preview Data Confirmation

    Add a preview button which will allow admin users to view step by step what parents see when completing Data Confirmation. It will aid when providing support for parents who need guidance on specific pages.

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  13. MST Flex Period query field - list short title instead of ID

    When doing a query using the MST table, the flex period field, MST.FSQ gives the Flex Period ID. It should give the Flex Period Short Title, the ID is generated by Aeries and can't be changed.

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    This can be accomplished by including the FTF table, specifically the short title field (FTF.STI) in the query. For example, LIST MST FTF FTF.STI

  14. To maximize ADA at sites where one grade starts a day early we would like to input 2 calendars per site

    We would like to be able to create distinct calendars with different reporting dates

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    0 comments  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →
  15. Data Confirmation : Option to Emulate a Parent before going live

    Option to Emulate a Parent in Parent Data Confirmation before it goes "Live". Currently, we have to change the dates and then emulate a parent hoping that no one else tries to confirm.

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  16. Contact Notification Preference: Change the hard code to say something other than Do Not Contact

    Our Secretaries get confused when they see "Do Not Contact" and think that they are clicking on the wrong thing so they automatically click Emergency Announcements or General and Emergency Announcements for every contact. This creates a lot of frustration to those contacts that do not want the ParentSquare notifications.

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  17. Analytics - Allow use of Custom Tables

    Allow a custom table to be used with Analytics Item Definitions/Dashboards.

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    Custom tables are currently supported in Aeries Analytics, as long as the table is a one-to-one type of table.

  18. Data Confirmation - Option to view or test as a parent

    Would love to have the option as part of the creation process to view and/or test as a parent before going live.

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  19. Teacher Attendance Page - Add option to order periods by time instead of period #

    Order periods by time instead of period # on teacher attendance page. We often have odd periods that meet early in the morning but show up at the end of the list on the attendance screen for teachers.

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    1 comment  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →
  20. District Attendance Letters - create log of letters sent by email

    Parents email addresses change and we need to be able to verify to what email address a letter was sent and when. It would be great if there was a log that showed the email address that the attendance letter was sent to and the DTS of when the letter was generated.

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    0 comments  ·  Attendance  ·  Admin →

    For District Attendance Letters, parent email addresses are logged to the CBD table, along with other information about delivery, and can be queried from within Aeries.

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