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17 results found

  1. Student Import Page Redesign Follow Up Items

    Student Import Page Redesign Follow Up Items:
    1) Add an Export to Excel button so users can extract a list of incoming registrations in Excel format
    2) Re-Add the Enrollment ID information to the student list
    3) Re-Add the Registration Time with the Registration Date

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 8/17/2023 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    • Student Import - Users can now extract a list of incoming registrations by clicking the Export to Excel button. - See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students
    • The Student Name column includes Enrollment ID.
    • The Registration Date can be formatted in Excel to include the time of day when the registration was completed. The default format is MM/DD/YYYY, but the user can change the column format in Excel to use a custom format such as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.
    • The link to edit the Online Enrollment Settings is now hidden for users without permissions to edit School Options.
  2. Online Enrollment - Update Home Language Survey if blank

    Online enrollment matching on a student that already exists in the system should update the LAC.L1-L4 if they are blank.

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 7/30/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    • Student Data > Programs > Language Assessment - If a student has a language code in Online Enrollment but language codes are blank on the Language Assessment page, the language codes from Online Enrollment will now be imported and populate the language fields on the Language Assessment page. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students.

  3. Online Enrollment Import Page - Add Filter and Sort Options

    Add sort and filter options for the Online Enrollment Import page.

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  4. Option to hide SPED questions Other District Enrollment in OE

    Would like to have the option to hide the "Was this student in special education" on the "Other District Enrollments" page.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    Hello, the idea has been completed in the 04/02/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Online Enrollment – Special Education and 504 Questions can now be hidden from the enrollment process.

  5. Adjust Online Enrollment to support separate Education Levels for Parents/Guardians

    Adjustments needed because of changes CALPADS is making for Parent/Guardian information on the SINF file: Data is now being collected separately for Guardian 1 and Guardian 2: First Name, Last Name, Education Level.

    Move current question regarding Parent Ed Level into section collecting Parent/Guardian Info instead of the Student info. Use new field on Contacts to hold this information (CON.ELV) - same codes as old STU.PED field

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  6. Data Confirmation Status Report - Add Income Survey

    Please add a column that displays the Income Survey completion status on the Data Confirmation status report

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  7. Online Enrollment - Allow Users to Change Deleted to Pending Import

    If a user accidentally deletes the wrong online enrollment record, there is currently no way to retrieve it or "undelete" it. You can't even view the information to manually enter it yourself. So, you would have to contact the parent and ask them to start over again. At the least I would want the ability to view those records so the person that made the mistake can in some way correct it, but it would be great if there was an option to move it out of delete and back to Partial or Pending status.

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 8/27/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Student Data > Demographics > Import

    • The Set as Incomplete button was replaced with the Update Status button, providing more options for updating an enrollment status:
    • A Pending Import record can be set to Partial (Incomplete) or Delete.
    • A Partial (Incomplete) record can be set to Delete.
    • A Deleted record can be set to Pending Import or Partial (Incomplete), allowing users to recover deleted records if needed.
    • The ability to view the confirmation page for Deleted and Partial (Incomplete) enrollments is now supported. The View button is now available on the Aeries Student Import page. Selecting the View button opens the confirmation page to view student enrollment details from within Online Enrollment. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students.

  8. Online Enrollment - View Button for Partial Incomplete

    There is a view button for completed imported enrollment information, but there isn't one for the partial, incompletes. This button would help us be able to tell parents what information is missing from their online enrollment forms.

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 8/27/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Student Data > Demographics > Import

    • The Set as Incomplete button was replaced with the Update Status button, providing more options for updating an enrollment status:
    • A Pending Import record can be set to Partial (Incomplete) or Delete.
    • A Partial (Incomplete) record can be set to Delete.
    • A Deleted record can be set to Pending Import or Partial (Incomplete), allowing users to recover deleted records if needed.
    • The ability to view the confirmation page for Deleted and Partial (Incomplete) enrollments is now supported. The View button is now available on the Aeries Student Import page. Selecting the View button opens the confirmation page to view student enrollment details from within Online Enrollment. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students.

  9. Demographics - Online Enrollment Import - Sort by Enroll Date

    Set the Student Import Screen to sort by "Enroll Date" not "Enroll ID". It's difficult to find the most recently enrolled student when you have a huge list of enrollees sitting in the import screen.

    If that is not doable then give the option of sorting by "Enroll Date".

    21 votes

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  10. Online Enrollment - Allow User to Change Status

    Allow the users to change the status in Online Enrollment, specifically from Partial (Incomplete) to Pending Import, OR allow the option to import Partial (Incomplete).

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 8/27/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:

    Student Data > Demographics > Import

    • The Set as Incomplete button was replaced with the Update Status button, providing more options for updating an enrollment status:
    • A Pending Import record can be set to Partial (Incomplete) or Delete.
    • A Partial (Incomplete) record can be set to Delete.
    • A Deleted record can be set to Pending Import or Partial (Incomplete), allowing users to recover deleted records if needed.
    • The ability to view the confirmation page for Deleted and Partial (Incomplete) enrollments is now supported. The View button is now available on the Aeries Student Import page. Selecting the View button opens the confirmation page to view student enrollment details from within Online Enrollment. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students.

  11. online enrollment military

    Please add the Military Survey to the Online Enrollment process.

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    Completed  ·  Kathy Kelly responded

    This feature shipped in the update released on 6/8/2020.

    The Residence Survey has been added to the Online Enrollment process

  12. Online Enrollment - Reports for Pending and Partial Enrollments

    Would like to be able to print reports (other than screen prints) on online enrollment. Especially pending & partial.

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 8/17/2023 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    • Student Import - Users can now extract a list of incoming registrations by clicking the Export to Excel button. - See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students
    • The Registration Date can be formatted in Excel to include the time of day when the registration was completed. The default format is MM/DD/YYYY, but the user can change the column format in Excel to use a custom format such as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.
  13. Delete Partial Enrollments from Import Screen

    Please add the ability for users to delete partial (incomplete) enrollment for Online Enrollment while in the AIR Import screen. Currently, it can only be done by SQL query and regular secretaries and registrars don't have access to do this.

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  14. Online Enrollment - Allow the use of dates instead of ages to determine if student is able to enroll.

    Online Enrollment. Request to have the Enrollment Age Limits changed from age to birthdates. Even the option to use age and/or birthdate. A birthdate would assist in input errors or allowing parents to continue the process for students who are too young.

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 12/1/2022 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    Online Enrollment - Student age was calculated relative to the current date instead of the first day of the registration year, fixed. See Aeries Online Enrollment Parent Process

    Online Enrollment for CA

    • The Enforce TK Birth Dates option was added allowing admin users to prevent a student from being enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten if their birth date does not fall within CDE eligibility guidelines. See Aeries Online Enrollment Admin Settings
    • The grade level estimation for Transitional Kindergarten now reflects the latest CDE guidelines.
  15. 26 votes

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  16. Online Enrollment - Add Residence Survey

    Please make the Residence Survey available in Online Enrollment like it is in Data Confirmation.

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  17. Allow parents to upload documents in Online Enrollment

    Allow parents to upload documents as part of the online registration process. This include Online Enrollment, as well as Data Confirmation processes in Aeries. Parents would be required to upload certain documents, whereas others may be optional.

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    Hello! This was released in the 3/12/2020 update! Here is the revision note:
    This new step in the enrollment process allows parents to upload specific files requested by the district. These documents will be then available for review when importing into Aeries, and ultimately stored in the Aeries Student Documents table.

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