Aeries Ideas
39 results found
Import Test Results - Add Mandarin IB Test Part
Add the Mandarin AB. SL test part to the list of IB tests.
1 voteHello, this idea has been completed in the 12/14/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Import Test Results- Add Initial ELPAC 2021-2022 File Layout
Add the file layout for the 2021-22 Initial ELPAC (IELPAC) Student Data File Layout to the Import Test Results page.
26 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 9/3/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Import Test Results - Update i-Ready File Layout to Honor New Fields
Update the i-Ready file layout to honor new fields that were introduced after we released the i-Ready import.
11 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 08/31/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
CERS Student Groups Scheduled Process
Add the Scheduled Process tab to the CERS Student Groups Extracts.
10 votesHello, this AeriesIdea item has been completed in the 12/07/21 update. Here are the pertinent Revision Note(s):
CERS Student Groups – The page now allows scheduled processing.
The Scheduled Process tab was added to allow setting up the day and time when the CERS Extract is generated. The extracts to be included in the process can be specified when the profile is created or edited.
The documentation link has been updated with the Scheduled Process information:
State Seal of Civic Engagement
State Seal of Civic Engagement set up ability like the State Seal of Biliteracy. votesUpon further research, since there are no state-identified criteria that a student is required to complete to earn this State Seal of Civic Engagement, it is up to the local District to determine eligibility. We have created documentation on how to indicate a student who has met your local requirements, so they can be identified later when it is time for graduation. At this time, this data collection is not done via the CALPADS process. If and when that time comes we augment this solution as necessary.
Import Data - Add the ability to include Staff ID when importing TCH records
When using the Import Data to Aeries to import TCH records, if Staff ID is included / mapped, the import skips the records. Importing TCH records is successful when the Staff ID field is not included.
1 voteHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 7/1/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes: The Staff ID field was unable to be imported into the TCH table, fixed.
Import Test Results - Add Additional IB Tests
Add additional IB test parts to the Fixed Codes and usysGCODs tables:
MUSIC CREATING SL8 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 06/11/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Import Test Results – Selecting the IB Subject Test file layout will now add additional missing IB test parts to the system.
2 votes
Hello! This item shipped in the 4/4/2021 Aeries version.
Update Import Test Results for ELPAC 2019-20 Data Changes
Update the Import Test Results process for the ELPAC test to allow for the deletion of select incomplete tests and the insert/update of other ELPAC test results.
10 votesHello, the idea has been completed in the 04/15/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Import Test Results – This page now includes a new Special Processes tab which provides a method to Delete ELPAC Partial Scores identified by CALTAC.
Import Test Results - Add an iReady Import
Add a file layout to the Import Test Results for the iReady assessment. i-Ready.
6 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 06/24/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Test Imports
Adjust the Import Test Results page to support importing i-Ready Diagnostic Results from a standardized CSV file. -
Import Test Results - Add the NWEA 2020-21 File Layout
Add the NWEA Map 2020-21 file layout to the Import Test Results.
7 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 01/29/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes: Test Results – The page now supports the NWEA 2020-2021 student test results for California and Texas.
Import Test Results - Add Initial ELPAC 2020-21 File Layout
Add the file layout for the 2020-21 Initial ELPAC Student Data File Layout to the Import Test Results page.
42 votesHello, this Idea has been completed in the 10/29/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Import Test Results – This page has been updated to allow the import of the Initial ELPAC 2020-21 File Layout.
UC/ELC and CCGI - Add AUT as a Parent Consent Option
Create UC/ELC Extract and CCGI Extract need an option to use AUT instead of STU/SUP on the parental consent question.
2 votesHello, this item has been completed in the 10/14/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
UC ELC Extract and CCGI Extract – AUT table is now one of the table options for parent consent data.
Thank you.
Push and Pull Setup Tables - Add BSD and BST tables to Push Pull ability
The Push and Pull Setup Tables process does not include copying the related BSD and BST tables to copy the entire BEL Schedule setup, including the schedule times and Days linked to the calendar.
3 votesHello, this item has been completed in the 07/09/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Import Test Results - Add ACT 2020-21 File Layout
Add the ACT 2020-21 High School Student Record Layout to the Import Test Results page.
9 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 01/15/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes: ACT 2020-2021 Student Data Layout is now supported.
Import Test Results - Add Summative ELPAC 2019-20 File Layout
Add the file layout for the 2019-20 Summative ELPAC Student Data File Layout to the Import Test Results page.
23 votesHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 09/15/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
This page has been updated to allow importing the 2019-20 ELPAC Summative student test results. -
Special Ed (CASEMIS) Import - Add Grad Plan Field
Please bring back the ability to import the Grad Plan (CSE.GP) in the CASEMIS Import process. It used to be available in the pre-2018 version. SEIS is able to add the field to the nightly import and it would be easier to have the data imported rather than someone maintaining the field by hand.
3 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 11/02/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Copy Student from Another Database Suffix
We need the ability to copy 1 student from another database suffix (same feature that was available in AeriesCS).
7 votesThis item has been completed and shipped on 1/29/2021
Sync Case Carrier from SEIS to Aeries
We would like case carrier information in SEIS to Sync with the CSE table in Aeries.
4 votesHello, this issue has been resolved in the 11/02/2021update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Special Ed Data Import – There is a new option to configure Extended Fields for this process. These are additional fields that the vendor would add to the data files, which can be mapped to fields in the CSE and CSV tables.
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