Physicals - Acanthosis field to be a drop down
Make the Residence Survey screen read-only after the final data confirmation is completed
Roll transcript updates forward to future years
Color Code Name Banners based on STU.SP
Item Definitions and New Fields
Import Data - Add the ability to include Staff ID when importing TCH records · Completed
Contacts page - remove the old Contact view · Completed
TREx Export - Add TestName for ARR Transcript. · Declined
OneRoster - Subjects - values should be human-reable
Enhance Missing Attendance Report to display a message if time out occurs due to large data set.
Add code table number to drop down menu-Early Childhood Development program type
Aeries DR - Disaster Recovery for On Prem Clients
Service Learning Hours - Add new Date Picker
Demographics Address Alerts
Automatically disable/close window for PDC after rollover has occurred.
Create a Special Programs record for TK students who are imported from Online Enrollment
TX No Show Manager
Parent data Confirmation To Be Able To Edit Confirmation Email That Gets Sent To Parents
Define Required Fields Visitation Table
Inter and Intra District Transfers