Aeries Ideas
9 results found
Standards Based Grades - Increase Grading Periods for Progress Reports
Currently SBG only allows for 4 grading windows - increase this up to 6 or more to allow the use of progress reports.
11 votesHello, in the 6/20/2024 update we released a new Standards Based Progress Report feature that we think will satisfy this request.
Here is the updated documentation:
and here are the revision notes:
Ability to have both Standards Based Grading and Regular Grading in a K-8 School with period attendance.
We have a K-8 School that uses period attendance. The k-3 students only have 1 teacher for period 0. They would need to enter grades using Standards based Grading. However the remainder of the school grades 4-8 use regular grading. We would like the ability to offer both in one school based on grade level. The only alternative right now would be splitting the school up into 2 different school sites, which is a logistical nightmare for both reports, integrations, etc.
6 votesHello! This feature has been added as of the 6/17/2021 Aeries version! Here is the revision note:
School Options
Options were added to allow doing both Elementary Standards Based Grading (SBG) and Secondary Grade Reporting (GRD) in the same school and to define the grades that each apply to. These options are for future use in Aeries. -
Standards Based Grades - Load Grades From Gradebook Does Not Include Extra Credit Points in Standards Grade Calculation
The Standards Based Grades > Load Grades from Gradebook calculation does not take Extra Credit Points into account in the following circumstance:
- Elementary teacher in a school that uses Standards Based Grades
- Gradebook is Non-rubric
- Gradebook Assignments are associated with a standard
- Gradebook has one or more Extra Credit assignments
- Gradebook Options > Scale/Min/Max Assignment Values in Total Grade is checked and set up3 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 11/12/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- Grades > Standards Based Grades - When using the Load Grades from Gradebook feature, any extra credit assignments with 0 max points were omitted from the overall calculation. The Load Grades from Gradebook process now includes extra credit in the calculation even if the max points is 0.
Disable Generate RCH for non-SBG report cards
see PR 22185
3 votesHello, this idea (or bug) has been completed in the 7/2/2024 update.
Here are the Revision Notes:
Standards Based Grades > Functions > Update SBG Attendance Totals - When the process was run, SBG attendance records were incorrectly added for new students who were enrolled after the grading cycle was initialized, causing blank report cards to be printed for these students. Now SBG attendance records are only added for students who were enrolled when the grading cycle was initialized. This also resolves the issue of RCH records being incorrectly generated.
SBG Additional RCH.TY or RCH.RPT options
For Standards Based Grading, Report Card History does not permit additional Report Card Types (Only "Standard Based Grades" is available). Please allow for additional RCH.TY and/or RCH.RPT (Report Card Titles) to be used for Standards Based Grades. This will allow sites to use alternate titles like "Progress Reports" similar to how GRD grade reporting is done.
1 voteHello, in the 6/20/2024 update we released a new Standards Based Progress Report feature that we think will satisfy this request.
Here is the updated documentation:
and here are the revision notes:
SBG Load from Gradebook - Treat Blank in SSE Gradebook Permission as F-Full
Issue: When Section Staff is used, teachers (primary and non-primary) need to have "Full" Gradebook Permissions in the SSE record (SSE.GBP) in order to Load Grades from Gradebook when adding Standards Based Grades to the Report Cards. If they merely have a blank in SSE.GBP then the Gradebooks will not be listed in Step 2 of the Load Grades from Gradebook process.
1 voteHello, this idea has been completed in the 04/04/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Load from Gradebook for Primary Class Tracking schools
In a Flex Daily Section Staff school using Primary Class Tracking, allow a non-Primary Teacher to Load Grades from Gradebook from a shared gradebook. Currently they can only load their own gradebooks into Standard Based Grades
1 voteHello, this issue has been resolved in the 01/20/2022 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Standards Based Grades By Teachers - The Load From Gradebook function can now by used by any teacher allowed to enter grades for a section in Staff Section and primary class tracking schools.
Print SBG Report Card - Remove "All" from Grades Selection When Grade Levels Use Different Report Card Types
The "All" option should be removed from the Grades dropdown in the Print SBG Report Cards when the grade level report card layouts in SBG Options are not all identical. Currently the "All" is still available if there are no students in the grade level with the differing report card layout.
1 voteHello, This was completed in the October 1st, 2021 update with changes to the Standard Based Report card to support Flex and Primary Class Tracking schools.
SBG Report card Printing Options - Error in formatting
SBG report card printing with option Return Address Block at the top, please move the top line (District Name) 3/4 " from Top of the page.
The USPS requires this for the District name, school name, Address, City State and Zip to fit in the Window Envelope.1 voteHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 01/05/21 Out-of-Band update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Issues Resolved
Standards Based Report Card – The two-column report card when using the Print Address Block Legal option did not properly fit the standard window envelope format, fixed.
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