Aeries Ideas
13 results found
Parent Data Confirmation - Allow parents to upload documents
Would like the ability to upload documents for returning students through the data confirmation process. This will also help in times when schools are closed.
23 votesThis Idea has been completed and shipped on 6/8/2020
Demographics - Move SSID to Header
Add the SSID number on the demographics page to the demographics header so that is readily available.
13 votesHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 07/17/20 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Student Demographics – This page has been adjusted to provide for a full student header bar, matching the header layout of other student-related pages. -
Email Signature option for Send Emails
Allow for an email signature to be applied when using the Send Emails page. This would allow a teacher to easily identify themselves in the email, could provide office hours, and contact information.
12 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 08/17/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Send Emails – A new feature to add email signatures and attachments has been added.
New UI: More explicit visualization when logged into a prior year database
In the new UI, the only change when you change to a previous year is that the font is red. This has to be changed to something more profound so it is obvious when users are in a previous database as most colorblind users cannot see red.
8 votesHello, a fix for this issue was released on 08/06/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:
- Aeries Header - If a user was logged into a prior school year, the school year menu was not adequately differentiated from the current school year menu, increasing the possibility that a user might inadvertently update prior year data. The school year menu is now shaded red and a clock icon is present when a user is logged into a prior school year.
Global Messages should be at the top of the home page
Move School and District Messages (Global Web Messages) to the top of the home page to make them more prominent. They should also be sorted by most recently modified.
7 votesThis project was completed in a recent Aeries update. Global Messages are now displayed at the top of the home page.
Co-Teacher for API / OneRoster - Teacher & Office Entry Access
With remote-learning, we are now in need of something to better sync our co-teachers, sub-teacher support staff, & instructional aides with our online learning platforms.
Is there a way to create a form accessible to both teachers & office staff ( users ) to allow adding an co-teachers & instructional aides to a class / section?
When tagged / added, it would add that user to the OneRoster / Aeries API syncs so they can be imported by our online platforms?
6 votesThis item has been released with the 9/24/2020 update. Please see the revision notes for details.
Weekly Instructional Minutes: Hide Excluded sections
For Weekly Instructional Minutes Certification page, do not display sections marked with Exclude tags (MST.ST).
5 votesHello, this idea/bug has been completed in the 11/06/20 update. Here are the Revision Notes: Weekly Instructional Minutes Certification – Any sections excluded from Attendance (MST.ST = Y or Z) are no longer displayed.
The Global Messages module needs to support HTML and have a WYSIWYG to allow font bolding and sizing.
Global Messages module needs to support HTML and have a WYSIWYG to allow font bolding and sizing. This is for School and District Messages.
5 votesThis Idea has been completed and shipped on 3/30/20
Student Immunization Status report always displays PK value for grade -1 in Select Grade dropdown
On the Student Immunization Status report page, the Select Grade dropdown always shows PK for grade -1. Please change the report to reflect what the school uses for grade -1 (for example, TK).
3 votesThis idea was completed with the 9/24/330 update to Aeries with the following revision note:
Immunization Card Report – Grade label adjusted to use grade level translations instead of numeric value (i.e. “PK” or “TK” instead of “-1”).
Global Messages to handle messages district-wide
Modify school messages/global messages to handle messages from the district as well. This will allow school messages as it does today, but also handle district messages to display to all schools.
2 votesThis item was completed in a recent update. Global messages can now be pushed out district-wide.
Use Distinct Colors for Pages/Reports/Favorites & Filters
Please give any feedback for adjustments you'd like to see in the new UI, that are not already requested in other UV Ideas.
1 voteHello, a fix for this issue was released on 08/13/24. Here are the relevant revision notes:
- Aeries Navigation Menu - The Pages, Reports, and Favorites tabs did provide a visual indicator for the selected tab. The selected tab is now shaded a different color to indicate that it is selected.
Login Page Fields Not Dynamic
The login page sizing isn't dynamic when the School Name is long. Please see attached.
1 voteHello, a fix for this issue was released on 7/23/2024. Here are the revision notes: Aeries Login Page - For schools with long school names, the field overlapped the Login window, fixed.
Add code 31 "GED" to Exit Reason on Attendance Enrollment and Enrollment History
Texas customers would like to use the code 31 with description "GED" for movers. This code should be available in the dropdowns on the Attendance Enrollment page under Reason (ATT.RS) when ATT.CD = L (Ent/Lv) and on Enrollment History in the dropdown for ENR.ER (Exit Reason).
1 voteHello, this idea has been completed in the 8/18/2022 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Enrollment History - In the Exit Reason (ENR.ER) field, code 310 was created for TxCHSE (TxCHSE = Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency).Attendance Enrollment - In the Reason (ATT.RS) field, code 310 was created for TxCHSE (TxCHSE = Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency).
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