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  1. Information confirmation status report from parent data confirmation does not include pre-enrolled students

  2. Underline last link clicked in Data Validations (in dark mode)

  3. Online Enrollment/Data Confirmation - Document Requests - School Level Setup

  4. Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) report - convert data to hours

  5. Pop-up Message if Data Not Saved

  6. The ability to add multiple responsible stakeholder in the 504 plan in the accommodations area per accommodation

  7. Adjust Data Confirmation to support separate Education Levels for Parents/Guardians  ·  Completed

  8. Data confirmation Log - Filter & Sort by date

  9. TX: Add Print Function to View Data on Attendance Based Grade Reporting

  10. Select ID type on Mass Add Data Student Search box

  11. Need AeriesCS Import Students form available in Web, also import student data  ·  Completed

  12. Data Validations - AERIES005 error for no CDS code includes DNR schools

  13. Student Data Audit needs to skip matriculating students with STU.HSG populated

  14. Create a data page that surfaces all relevant data that the SPED teacher needs to fill out IEPs!

  15. Attendance - Disable data entry on periods where the student has no classes

  16. Add Student name column in addition to ID number in DATA Validation Results

  17. Force default "Hide Inactives" on Course Data Page

  18. Add new CDE form residency information to Parent Data Confirmation and Online Enrollment  ·  Completed

  19. Better data entry editing for Medical Date fields

  20. Academic Plan - Add Physical Fitness Pass/Fail Data

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