Aeries Ideas
4 results found
Online Enrollment - Make Parent Ed Level a mandatory field
Make the Parent Ed Level a mandatory field for parents to add/update to Online Enrollment.
54 votesIt turns out that the ability to require the parent education level is already a feature. This can be required for Online Enrollment by turning on the "Ask Parent Education Level" setting in the admin settings. Once turned on, parents cannot proceed without populating the field. Here is some documentation:
Allow Registration Date & Time to be export from Online Enrollment Pending Database
When exporting the data from the pending database it is only pulling the registration date and not the registration date & time. Is there any way you can include the time? We timestamp all our new registration packets.
1 vote- Documentation:
- Revision Note from 8/17/2023: The Registration Date can be formatted in Excel to include the time of day when the registration was completed. The default format is MM/DD/YYYY, but the user can change the column format in Excel to use a custom format such as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.
1 vote
You can view the documents before importing the student into the database,
On the Import page next to the student name in the list of enrollments there is a View button to the right of the Find Matches button. Clicking on the View button will bring up the Confirm page. Towards the bottom of the Confirm page is a Documents Upload area that allows you o preview the uploaded documents. -
Online Enrollment - make certain fields required
There are several sections in the online enrollment that are required by Calpads and Aeries gives the option of "decline to answer".
My suggestion is to remove the decline to answer option and make it a requirement to fill in a response. The areas are: Is this student Hispanic or Latino?, What is the race of this student?, What is the highest parent education level?
1 voteIn Online Enrollment, there are options to set various pieces of data as required or optional (such as race and ethnicity).
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