Query - Add Value Functions. (Quick example: Today)
Analytics Query Extended Field - Add Period Absences
Differences between the Language Assessment Screen and Query
Students with Good Attendance Report - Add Query Tag
Query - Ability for Descriptions on STU.CNS
Parent Response to Survey Table (PRS) · Declined
add .CSV as export option for Aeries Query · Researching
All reports to honor a KEEP/SKIP query
Link STR (Street Table) to STU in Query
Aeries Query Expansion Custom Tables for the FRE table · Already a feature
Data Validation execution times
Query - Grade Descriptions (GR?) do not display for grades below 0
Student Ethnic Distribution report should honor a Keep/Skip query
CSF Eligibility Report should honor report tags/query tags
Allow NON-ADMIN users the ability to query LOG
Enhance query export to Excel to support hidden Hexadecimal characters.
Aeries Query - Evaluate string fields with numeric contents as numeric
Allow data overwriting in Import Data to Aeries
Allow Teachers the KEEP Query function
Import Data