Aeries Ideas
2 results found
Flex Attendance - Enhance the Secondary ADA time for Daily Attendance schools
Allow the secondary ADA time field to function for AM and PM classes in Daily Attendance schools.
8 votesThis is currently a functional feature. If you have issues with this please submit a support ticket.
Automated days in Class Calendars for Flex Scheduling
When we create a Class Calendar for Flex scheduling, for example MTWF, it would be wonderful if Aeries could do the rest and we not have to click a little check box for every day of the school year that class will be in session. If we have already created the overall School Calendar and we create a Class Calendar for MTWF and assign it to a section, then Aeries would already have the info needed to determine the days that section is in session and needs attendance. It feels redundant to have to select each day's checkbox for each…
2 votesA feature already exists on the Class Calendar page that will allow mass assigning dates to a calendar. The Mass Select Dates button will allow mass selecting of days of the week for a specific date range. See Class Calendars documentation.
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