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3 results found

  1. ParentSquare - Allow for Attendance summary notifications to run once at a specific time.

    ParentSquare - Allow for Attendance summary notifications to run once at a specific time.

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  2. Confidential checkbox on student group setup screen

    It would be great if we had the ability to check a box alongside the teacher view / communication view checkboxes that would make a student group sync to Communications as a Confidential group within Communications. Ideally flipping that switch on in Aeries would toggle the option on in ParentSquare, with the ability to control within parentsquare feeding back and changing the value in Aeries... but in the meantime a box within Aeries that forces it to be enabled in parentsquare would be ok.

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  3. Weekly Progress and ParentSquare

    Weekly Progress - Adjust the Email and Text Message ParentSquare feature to Hide/Show scores based on Gradebook Options and Portal Options, for the following items:
    1. In the Email and Text Message feature of the Weekly Progress Email for ParentSquare. Hide the Scores and Percentage when the Gradebook Option - Display the Final Mark? - Parent/Student is not enabled or the Hide Overall Score from Parent/Student is enabled.
    2. Progress by Student – Hide the Scores and Percentage when the Gradebook Option - Display the Final Mark? - Parent/Student is not enabled or the Hide Overall Score from Parent/Student is…

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    Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 6/28/2023 update.  Here are the Revision Notes:

    • Weekly Progress Report - The email message now honors the Show Final Mark To Parent Student and Hide Overall Score From Parent Student options as set on the Gradebook Options page.
    • Progress by Student - The gradebook report now honors the Hide Overall Score options as set on the Gradebook Options page.
    • Weekly Progress - For Aeries Communications customers, the Email now honors the Portal Option Only Show Check Marks for Assignment Scores to Parents and Students.
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