Store Total Community Service Hours from Multiple Activities
Add STU Fields to Attendance Reports
Surface Custom Tables in the API
Create a Management page for the Student Attendance Percentage by Date Settings
New Report - Custom Class List
Add User fields to security (U1,U2,U3,etc.)
Students with Free and Reduced Meals
Auto/Mass Create Portal Accounts as a Scheduled Process
CALPADS SDEM - Staff extract was extracting staff with Hire dates up to October 31. · Completed
SELA Conflict Report - Exclude TK Students
Add TB to Immunization Status Report
Create a communications list (like contacts) of email addresses which can be assigned to the various processes
Display attendance time on Attendance Submission Log report
Print Student Room/Section Listing Report Options - Add Counselor
Define required fields for DIS and CNF table
All Tables and Reports in Aeries to use Student ID instead of SN
Identify 18YO High School Students
Delete Partial Enrollments from Import Screen · Completed
CRDC - Include Pre-School Student Counts · Completed
MST Board - double-click on a section in the MST Board to open the section.