Data Validation - Add the ability to clear a validation that doesn't need to be fixed
Free and Reduced CALPADS Information to Follow CALPADS FRPM Data Collection: Required Forms for Schools in 2022-23 *changes are due to AB
TEA advised that they are moving to a new vendor for storing State Assessment data. See TEA communication: · Completed
Can you please add a "Archive" section for Portal Documents that are from prior years and not being used for current year data confirmation?
Student Search - Navigate to Demographics on Search from a Non-Student Page
Online Enrollment - Questions and Codes Tab
Link Counselor in Counseling Record to Staff table · Completed
Demographics - Mass add counselor function
Export to Google Sheets
Allow creating sections in SMS from an imported spreadsheet with minimal or all fields
Hearing - Convert P/F to Dropdown List · Completed
REPORT Request: Identify students who have enrollment leave date and NOT re-enrolled during the school year within the district
District Attendance Letters-Add ability to Print/Export to Excel the student list in Review Letters
Add Foreign Key between CRS and GEC Table (Graduation Endorsement Courses)
Student Groups Dynamic Groups Inactive and Pre-enrolled
Students with No Course Requests report should honor Keep/Skip
Add an option to config an LDAPS certificate for use with Google LDAPS
Allow itinerant teachers to be primary on their sections
Add Table/Field Overlay to All Pages