Allow teachers access to reports of students and parent portal access/viewing (times/dates) · Already a feature
New Report with Attendance Information Compared to Other Students
TX: Prior Year Bilingual ESL Summer School Indicator · Completed
Import Data Into Aeries for CON phone number fields do not allow import of special characters
Allow import to to ATT.ADA, ATT.ADT, and ATT.ACO for updating attendance records with all day codes from Saturday school attendance
Online Store - Enhance to allow editing of items even if Livingtree is down and/or has invalid data for PayPal accounts.
Demographics - "Would you like to copy this code" message options should be Yes or No, not OK or Cancel
Add date and course information to the Summary of Students by Teacher and Period and by Course and Period Reports
Transcripts - TX - Modify Pass/Fail Logic
Eligibility Calculation in one Report
In Authorizations a check Box for the AUT.TY, AUT.ST and AUT.CD fields
Student Attendance Report Returns in an .aspx file
Add a button to authorize the secure transfer of enrollment records between Aeries schools in different districts
Allow No Show Permissions to be Separate in Security
Dark Mode highlighting and searching
Parent Portal School Order
Parent Square Health Screening API
Create a Pop-Up/Alert for RFEP Students
Weekly Attendance Verification through Aeries
Add a "pending enrollment" status that does not generate an error message