Gradebook Standards - Add Color to Proficiency Numbers
Adding color to proficiency would assist teachers in getting an at-a-glance view of their students' performance without having to look at each number separately. This could be by assignment or standard, etc.

Hello! this item was completed and shipped in the 10/28/2021 version of Aeries!
Anonymous commented
Is this an option now?
ehilton commented
Hi Kevin - just checking in on this. Maybe available for next AY? :-D
ehilton commented
Thank you!! Can we help test?
Anonymous commented
Something so simple, yet so helpful and valuable. Please add color. :)
Anonymous commented
Add some colors man. It's 2020!
Anonymous commented
Please add color to the at a glance view
Anonymous commented
Please add color to the proficiency numbers!
Izaak commented
This would also be helpful for parents who are new to 1-4 grading scales
Anonymous commented
Please add colors to the at-a-glance view!
Anonymous commented
The colored bars provide a clear visual for parent and students to see progression towards standard. Thank you!
JOanna Mitchell commented
Please add colors
(Edited by admin) -
Anonymous commented
Please add colors to proficiency numbers!