Missing assignment color options in gradebook
I have certain assignments that, when missing, I do not allow students to make up. These assignments show up in red and continually show up in the number of missing assignments on the student/parent main page. My students are seventh graders and the students and parents continually want to make these up in order to erase the missing assignments count and the red box. I continually have to explain that the assignment is no longer eligible to be made up. Many teachers will put in a 0 when assignments are no longer able to be made up (and parents will continually ask me to do this), but to me this is confusing as then I don't know (and the parent does not know) if the student turned in the assignment and actually earned a 0 or if the work is undone. I would like to be able to turn the box to a different color (not red) which would indicate that the assignment is missing but unable to be made up. I would also like this action to then delete the assignment from the missing assignment count on the parent/student main page.

Hello! this item was completed and shipped in the 10/28/2021 version of Aeries!