Please add ability to import GATE results to GTT · Completed
Enrollment Validation Update
Student Schedules and Locator Cards - Include additional fields on reports
Residency Survey - Automatic Confirmation
In Flex, create a way to identify Sections with no Primary Teacher assigned
Dual households (addresses and parents) should be on Demographics Page! · Considered for Feature Modernization
Scheduling - Add a Waitlist Report
Demographics - Add a field for a Community College ID
Print Emergency Student Listing needs to exclude inactive students. · Completed
Mobile App - Add the ability to edit the notification message for the PDC reminder.
Add a table for custody information related to student
Texas - TREx import to include Immunizations
Allow a Keep option for reports and on rosters
Create an all-inclusive report for withdrawing students
Red Flag Eligibility Screen
Add MST.SG (Scheduling Group) to MST Classes tab on Courses page
Dental - Changing Typed Fields to Drop Boxes
Add more granular control to the Reset Parent/Student Accounts function
CDD-801A Extract changes 2024 · Completed
authorization · Already a feature