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  1. Parent Data Confirmation Residence Survey - Change the Wording of Unaccompanied Youth  ·  Declined

  2. Make Print Legal Name an Option for Critical Student Data Reports

  3. Change Sped import process to use latest data files from CALPADS

  4. Data Confirmation - Allow Parents to Add Med History Without Update Existing

  5. Create a seperate form in Data Confirmation for Parent Ed Level

  6. Import Data to Aeries - Match Staff ID on Human Resources ID

  7. Import Data Into Aeries for CON phone number fields do not allow import of special characters

  8. Special Ed Import - Modify Delete Special Ed Services Data Current Year Option to Include Services that Cross Over Years

  9. CCGI Data File to honor Transcript Definition option to not include +/-'s

  10. Online Enrollment/Data Confirmation - Medical History - Certification Confirmation for No Medical History

  11. Give districts the ability to set/modify the date new school year data is available to teachers

  12. Add an option to auto-complete Data Confirmation upon import from Online Enrollment.

  13. Online Store - Enhance to allow editing of items even if Livingtree is down and/or has invalid data for PayPal accounts.

  14. Parent Data Confirmation for CDE 2021 Guidelines translate for Spanish for Unaccompanied Youth section and Your Child or Children's

  15. Income Survey on Parent Data Confirmation - Remove 1 from options for # in Household  ·  Declined

  16. Import Test Results- Add the CAASPP Student Data File Layout for 2020-2021  ·  Completed

  17. Last Year School of Choice data not available in current year SOC management screen

  18. Import Test Results - Add the CAASPP Student Data File Layout for the 2019-20 Administration  ·  Completed

  19. Data Validation - option to allow visibility of District scoped validations for the associated school users

  20. Staff Data - Primary School selector menu does not show SC 0 District when editing record

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